Belated #5JoysFriday!
1. My dad & I are making progress in getting rid of unnecessary stuff—someone took the dresser we left at the curb, and we gave a bunch of vintage clothes & hats to a local youth theater org for costumes
2. During the above, I found a sweet “Thank You Grandpa” booklet my nieces gave my dad almost 20 years ago (we kept that!!)
3. Between rainstorms we had some glorious clear days where I could see snow on the mountains ⤵️
4. One of my college professors (Bible professor at a conservative Christian university) is posting thoughtful critiques of Trump/Christian nationalism & related topics on social media. Today: “The Christian virtues are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I‘ve yet to figure out where contempt for transgender people fits in this list.”
5. And, that misprint from Sunday‘s bulletin! 😆 2w