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June Moon
June Moon | Kathleen Souza
4 posts
The June moon rises over the shimmering sea. In their warm nest under the sand, Little Turtle and the rest of his clutch seem to waken. He feels snug and secure inside his shell, but the feeling that it is time to move and rise is getting stronger and stronger. Little Turtle and the rest of the hatchlings must make their way towards the moon and the glistening waves in the distance. The path is long and danger awaits, so they must stay close together. They decide to travel the distance to their new ocean home. Little Turtle knows that they must depend on one another and trust each other. When you're alone, everything feels uncertain, but Friendship is real and true when it makes you feel safe, and Little Turtle feels certain that as long as he and the hatchlings stay together, they can be safe. As they begin the journey, danger strikes, but, just as it appears that they may not make it, they receive some unexpected help. This story reminds readers that, when facing obstacles, relying on friends and sticking together always makes it easier and that help can often arrive when we least expect it.
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June Moon | Kathleen Souza
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On one hand, using categories instead of titles feels like cheating. On the other the other hand, May was my most successful #bookspin month, so I‘m going to take the win and repeat the formula. 🥳 I‘ve left any titles I didn‘t get to in May and updated book club/challenge titles for June. #bookspin #doublespin #bookspinbingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! I think categories are a great way to go!!! 4mo
peanutnine Ooh which Park Road bookclub do you participate in? 4mo
DGRachel @peanutnine They have a monthly challenge they post on Instagram and that meets virtually. I‘ve not been brave enough to sign up, but I‘ve been trying to at least read the books they pick. I‘ve read 2 of the 5 for this year and bailed on May‘s choice. 4mo
peanutnine @DGRachel I totally understand being anxious about signing up. I just started going to the sci-fi/fantasy meetings they have and while I don't say much yet, I enjoy the discussions 4mo
34 likes4 comments
June Moon | Kathleen Souza
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My #BookSpin list for June


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4mo
8 likes1 comment
June Moon | Kathleen Souza
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Ack! June is less than a week away! WHAT IS HAPPENING?! 😂 Don't mind me, just having my monthly existential crisis LOL

Anyway, hope everyone has had a lovely spring!!! Summer is upon us!! (Well, around here anyway; I have trouble getting my head around the fact that June is December in other place haha) The garden is mostly in, and the list of summer projects is LONG so we will see how things go!!

If you're planning to #BookSpin in June, it's ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) time to start thinking about your lists. Some of you have already posted yours, which is part of what made me realize that May is actually almost over! My word. Looking forward to seeing what everyone is thinking about reading!!

As always, if you need more details on the challenge, please just ask or check out my master post (on my book blog) found here - https://thearomaofbooks.wordpress.com/bookspin-bookspinbingo-litsy-challenge/
See All 27 Comments
PuddleJumper Nope, nope, nope it's still February!!! 4mo
claudiuo June already?!🙀 I'll work on my list soon. Thank you! 4mo
TheSpineView I need to get going on my June lists. 4mo
BarkingMadRead May flew by! 4mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm YAY!!!!! ❤️ 4mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick May is flying by! I have hardly read this month so I'll likely just use most of the same list. Life keeps getting in the way. 4mo
GinaKButler Already? Maycember got me! 🤪 4mo
CoffeeK8 May just flew by!! 4mo
Librarybelle Time flies! 4mo
Allylu I know, I know. I was just working on it! 😊💕📚 4mo
Sace May was excruciatingly long but that's the nature of the school year, but I'm going to wake up tomorrow and it's going to be August 😂 4mo
Eggs Thank you Sarah🧡 Time flies when you have fun 🤩 4mo
kelli7990 I‘m still working on reading books from my May list but that‘s okay. I‘ll keep carrying the books over until I read them but at the same time, maybe I need to choose some new books. I have mood reading prompts on my list this month so I can read books that aren‘t on my list but I seem to be struggling with finding books I‘m in the mood to read or if I‘m in the mood to read what I pick, I end up not liking it. 4mo
Soubhiville I was thinking about my list this morning. Time flies! 4mo
111 likes27 comments
June Moon | Kathleen Souza
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