I bailed less than 100 pages from the end. Somehow this book made an overpopulated sprawling mess of a most excellent concept.
I bailed less than 100 pages from the end. Somehow this book made an overpopulated sprawling mess of a most excellent concept.
OMG!!! 😱😱😱
Saw this on Instagram (@dionisopunk). The picture was taken by Sylvie Facon on indepest.com.
I would so wear that dress!!!! 💃💃💃
1. Borrowing ebooks of course, and digital magazines. I took my kid to a lot of library events when he was younger - storytime, holiday craft and science, CoderDojo etc.
2. Not really - except emailing book purchase requests
1. Now a days it's mostly for borrowing books. When I was younger I used it for internet access, making copies and using their rooms for study groups.
2. Not really
@TheSpineView #two4tuesday
Congrats @TheLibrarian on reaching 95k! What an awesome #litfluencer. So many great books in your #95kgiveaway, I'd love to read Looker and The Visitors.
I‘ll be stopping at p71. This book is all tell and no show, which is a huge pet peeve of mine. Intriguing premise with tremendously boring execution.
Spotted! The Librarian of Congress, Carla Hayden! #nationalbookfestival
It got too absurd and too...Russian? Not sure but it was dense.
#bookaddict #booknerd #bookish #bibliophile #bookworm #booklove #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookquotes #instabooks #booklion #book #library #shelfie #bookaholic #reading #reader #currentlyreading #newbook #booklove
Hi Littens,
The librarian at my school is retiring at the end of the school year and I‘d like to get her something to say thank you for all her excellent recommendations.
I‘d love to know what literary themed gifts you‘ve all received, and loved 🎁
Are any Littens attending this librarian conference tomorrow?! Let's meet up if you are! 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻#LitsyLovesLibraries
The Librarian by Mikhail Elizarov is getting even weirder but hey, I'm digging it. #bookaddict #booknerd #bookish #bibliophile #bookworm #booklove #bookstagram
I‘m excited to say that I‘m officially a full-time librarian! I‘m going to be doing Adult Services at a public library about 15 miles from where I currently live & I‘m so pumped! I‘m a total newbie librarian as I only completed my MLS in December so I‘d love any tips from fellow librarians on Litsy. I‘ve been stalking various hashtags on Twitter to see where the cool librarians hang out. But look! My name followed by the title of librarian eek!
The Librarian by Mikhail Elizarov is one bizarre read but I love it. #bookaddict #booknerd #bookish #bibliophile #bookworm #booklove #bookstagram
All of my kiddos are sick today as is our our librarian so I am pinch hitting for him... this is my view today...
My diploma came in the mail! Officially a master of library science! 😜 Not strictly book-related, but I did READ a lot of books to get this piece of paper.
• does anyone else listen to Frank and Gwen? quickly becoming one of my favorite podcasts! •
Hey, so friends in #ScreamsByMail #HorrorPostalBookClub! My brother in England sent me this at Xmas, and I thought it would be cool to stick in the front of our books we are sending around the world. They‘re like the old school library cards, where you write in who it has been lent out to and the return date (in this case, I have put the next ‘pass on‘ date. I figured I‘d send on one to the SECOND person who‘d have your book! What do you think?
I GOT A JOB!!!! It's a 1-year contract for a library near the beach! Thank you all for your well wishes and good luck!
Tomorrow is my first day as a librarian assistant! I am super excited! Any words of wisdom or pointers @MrBook and other library friends?!
The school librarian emailed the faculty and asked us what books we would like to see in the library. This is a high school library. What say the #Littens? What books would you recommend?
The incredible @leeloo13 won some prizes at last night's #LibraryChristmasParty, including this beautiful cactus! 😁👏🏻 #LitsyLovesLibraries
Where‘s Neil when you need him?
The library apparently.
I've been here for less than five mins, and this is already my stack! 😂😂😂😂
#LitsyPartyofOne #Graphicnovels #myreadingweekend #graphic
Here's my stack for #deweys24hrreadathon tomorrow! I made a special trip to the library for shorter books, and I hope to make a dent in The Librarian as well! I am really enjoying it so far, but the Russian names are slowing me down a bit. #readathon
This is so great!!!!! 😆👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 https://youtu.be/iQQGVdPw0-0 #LitsyLovesLibraries #LitsyHumor
The library is really taking shape! #Iamrunningoutofshelves #toomanybooksmightbearealthing #denial
Found another #occupationintitle #fallintobooks
I've yet to read this one - have you?
Sooo, this happened this afternoon ??☺️!!! I come in for my shift and the Library Director goes, "Ohh, Jason, good, you're here. You're the face of the library today." Huh ??! The local news station is doing a report on National Book Lovers Day ????????!!! So, the library thought I should be the one interviewed ??! Holy cow! I hope I did alright. My neighbor said they'll see about recording the newscast. ?
Happy #nationalbookloversday I love coming to work here every day. Couldn't ask for a nicer looking library in my opinion. Enjoy all the books today!!
You are welcome!! #libraries #books
I'm regramming/signal boosting my friend @Megara. My local library is doing this awesome summer reading challenge, and she needs a recommendation for one of the squares from one of you lovely librarians! Anyone want to suggest something to her? I'm gonna check with my librarians for my square, but she's outside my town and doesn't have access to the amazing librarians of my fair hometown 😎Any takers?
New sculpture outside one of the libraries I go to ???. It's called "The Librarian"!
Thank you so much to everyone who wished me luck and good wishes last week before my library interview. I am so excited that I was offered the job today! I am thrilled and can't wait to start. Ironically I will not have as much time to read so probably won't be around here as much.
Today is also National Library Lovers Day!!! 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #LitsyLovesLibraries
Calling all #LitsyLibrarians (who am I kidding? I know you're all full of #LibraryLove) LitHub had started a new column about you, by you and for you to explore our lovely profession http://lithub.com/librarians-in-the-21st-century-the-power-of-our-choices/
Day 7: I don't have a local library anymore, but I still access CPL via Hoopla and Overdrive. This used to be the library branch about three blocks from my place in Chicago, and I always made sure to take some time and chat with the librarians whenever I stopped by. #riotgrams #bookriot #locallibrary
Just found the latest addition to my work attire! Love the new pins!
Got quite a few graphic novels/memoirs in this month! My favorite was definitely Relish by Lucy Knisley - a fantastic graphic foodie memoir. Also still working on The Librarian, it's good, but I forgot how dense Russian novels are.
I just had a patron come up to the desk and ask, "I need to find a book, can you help me?" I looked up at her, blinked, swiveled in my chair, & answered, "Books? We don't have any books here." She got ☝?look on her face. Was priceless ???! Then I smiled and said, "I'm only kidding." Realizing her eyes didn't deceive, she sighed. I said, "But you have to buy them, no borrowing anymore. $10/hr to browse." Got that ☝?look again! ?#LibraryHumor