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July Jitters
July Jitters | Ron Roy
12 posts | 2 read
It's a mystery every month from popular A to Z Mysteries author Ron Roy! With the younger siblings of the A to Z Mysteries kids! July is for Jitters... In the seventh book of the Calendar Mysteries - an early chapter book mystery series - the mayor is having a special Fourth of July contest; the person whose pet has the best Independence Day costume gets to be mayor for a day! Bradly, Brian, Nate, and Lucy transform Polly the pony into Thomas Jefferson and Pal the dog into the Declaration of Independence. But when the pet parade rolls around, the animals are nowhere to be found! Maybe they have stage fright. Can the kids find their dressed-up pets and calm them down betfore the Fourth of July fun begins? Parents, teachers, and librarians agree that these highly collectible chapter books are pefect for emerging readers and any kid who loves mysteries!
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July Jitters | Ron Roy
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A very poor reading month for me in July but did read 3 excellent 👌 books 📚 out of the 4 and also started fourth wing 🪽 which I was hoping to finish in July but due to travel and work finished this morning . So fingers crossed 🤞 il improve my reading stats for august - ideally I‘d like to finish at least 6! Happy 😃 reading folks and a fabulous august 😍😎

July Jitters | Ron Roy
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#BOOKSPIN is Women We Buried Women We Burned
#DOUBLEBOOKSPIN is Little Monsters

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks fabulous!!! 12mo
Cinfhen You have some GREAT books on the horizon 😍 12mo
Lesliereadsalot My Murder and All That Is Mine I Carry With Me are real page turners! 12mo
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July Jitters | Ron Roy
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Super excited that both the #bookspin and #doublespin selections are books for #readingtheamericas2023. Plus, I‘ll finally have to read Carl Hiaasen instead of just talking about reading his work. 😂

GinaKButler So pretty! 12mo
DGRachel @GinaKButler Thanks! It took forever to do. 🤣🤣 12mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Looks fantastic!! 12mo
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July Jitters | Ron Roy
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#bookspin #doublespin #bookspinbingo for July! Also in shot, should have 2 lines in bingo for June by the end of the week 🙌

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! And June is looking fabulous!! 12mo
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July Jitters | Ron Roy
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Changing up my #bookspin list for July to include a handful of old NetGalley titles (2020/2021 😳) and a handful of titles for #readingtheamericas2023 to increase the diversity of “country of origin” on my reading tracker, and some of the nominees for Bloody Scotland‘s Best Debut Novel prize. #doublespin #bookspinbingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 12mo
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July Jitters | Ron Roy
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Feeling completely mind-blown that we are only ONE WEEK away from JULY! 😲 Seriously, we HAVE to be in some kind of weird time warp!!!!

ANYWAY that means that it is (unbelievably!) time to start thinking about July #BookSpin and #BookSpinBingo lists!!! Let me know what you are thinking about reading, and if you'd like to be added or removed from the tag list. I'll be back on July 2 with the new numbers!!!

repost @thearomaofbooks

bnp @TheAromaofBooks I'll be using this again to help me decide what to read. 12mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Thank you for the repost!! 12mo
TheAromaofBooks @bnp - Glad to have you along!! 12mo
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July Jitters | Ron Roy
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Feeling completely mind-blown that we are only ONE WEEK away from JULY! 😲 Seriously, we HAVE to be in some kind of weird time warp!!!!

ANYWAY that means that it is (unbelievably!) time to start thinking about July #BookSpin and #BookSpinBingo lists!!! Let me know what you are thinking about reading, and if you'd like to be added or removed from the tag list. I'll be back on July 2 with the new numbers!!!

See All 42 Comments
SpookyMazeOfBooks I'm back in , 12mo
BarkingMadRead I have to make my stack when I get back from the Book Con! 12mo
Eggs Thanks Sarah🥰 Just posted it! 12mo
candc320 My mind is boggled thinking this month is almost over! Will work on my list soon! 12mo
ChaoticMissAdventures June is going SO fast!! I am not ready for fall 😭😂 12mo
Laughterhp I started working on it! I‘ll have to get it finalized! 😊 12mo
TheSpineView Started working on it yesterday. Just need to firm up everything! 12mo
claudiuo It can't be almost July already! Wow! I'll work on my list soon. 12mo
Bookwormjillk Ahhhhhhhh 12mo
bookandbedandtea 😲😲😲 12mo
AllDebooks Still thinking about it. Picked Rebecca Solnit for my #Backlist readathon, so that's a start 😅 12mo
DieAReader Working on my list late today!! Thanks for the reminder @TheAromaofBooks ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 12mo
PuddleJumper Not ready for July! 12mo
Librarybelle I was just thinking about my list for July! 12mo
dabbe C'mon July! The quicker you come, the quicker I can get through the 110+ degree days! 🥵🤣🤗 12mo
Monica5 Good Grief! The year is flying by! I have to think about my list 12mo
Nessavamusic I‘m in as always, this summer is going way too fast! 12mo
BookmarkTavern How is it almost July already!?! 12mo
yourfavouritemixtape Howwww is it July already?! Also I still haven‘t finished my book for June. I need to get going :) 12mo
CatLass007 Will someone please enlighten me about #bookspin #doublespin and #bookspinbingo ? I might be interested in participating if I know what these events are. 12mo
TheAromaofBooks @CatLass007 - Hey there!! Here is the link with all the info!! https://thearomaofbooks.wordpress.com/bookspin-bookspinbingo-litsy-challenge/ - if you want to join, just make your list and tag me when you do. Let me know if you have any questions!!! 😁 12mo
CatLass007 @TheAromaofBooks Thanks for the info. 12mo
CatLass007 @TheAromaofBooks I have to tell you that I really like your handle. I‘m not sure this will work for me. I have a long Audible TBR, just like everyone. But I have most of them in order already. I have a separate Audible To Be Bought list and it‘s also pretty much in order. I‘m trying to deaccession my physical library because it‘s just too massive for my little house. I have a storage building behind my house that‘s almost completely full of books. (edited) 12mo
TheAromaofBooks @CatLass007 - I know that feeling of books everywhere!! And I have multiple TBRs as well with books I'd like to get a hold of someday!! If this challenge doesn't work for you, no worries!! But you're also quite welcome to sort of mold it to work for your situation - feel free to browse through the #BookSpin and #BookSpinBingo tags to see some other lists, lots of people do categories or shelves instead of specific titles. 12mo
CatLass007 @TheAromaofBooks I definitely appreciate the info and I will keep my eyes open. 12mo
Whollybologna I‘m frustrated that I hit a slump in my ready this month but I‘ll be back next month! Working on my list now! ❤️ 12mo
rachelk I‘m still in! I‘ve only completed one of book spin picks since rejoining in April but I‘m tracking the books here and giving myself until the end of the year. 12mo
123 likes42 comments
July Jitters | Ron Roy
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A solid month for July.

The Violence
Such a Quiet Place

Nothing But Blackened Teeth
I Am Not a Wolf
The It Girl
The Violin Conspiracy
Last Call
The Agathas

The Library of the Dead
Ordinary Monsters

July Jitters | Ron Roy
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TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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July Jitters | Ron Roy
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Making the most of my day off by setting up pages for my July reading journal. July #Bookspin & #Doublespin list is set. Some slight modifications to the pre-existing list. Now to spend some time with Constance Kopp and my June double spin title. 💜

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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July Jitters | Ron Roy
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Um... how is it July NEXT WEEK?! I'm not ready for life to go this fast!!! June has been dashing along - we've had some lovely weather here & now that I'm FINALLY (mostly) on summer break, I'm trying to catch up on loads of chores around the house that always go to the back burner during greenhouse season! My other job is at an orchard & it looks like a bumper crop of peaches this year (for the first time in a few years) so I'll have a short ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) break this summer. Today, though, I get to paint the bathroom! The fun times just never end! 😂

Anyway, if you would like to play along for #BookSpin/#DoubleSpin/#BookSpinBingo for July, it's time to start thinking about your lists!! (And don't worry - still plenty of time to finish up June books. I've checked off 16 squares & still no bingo!) Below is just an outline of the basic challenge/reminder of the “rules“ (hint: they're ⬇
Allylu I better get busy on my list! 💕📚📚 3y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) SUPER FLEXIBLE), etc. As always, please just ask me if you have any questions. Please remember that I create a NEW TAG LIST EVERY MONTH so if you want to join for July, even if you aren't making a new list, please either comment below or tag me when you post your list so you will get tagged on the 2nd. Can't wait to see everyone's lists!!!

Below: Basics/Housekeeping/Rambling ⬇
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TheAromaofBooks 1. The rules for #BookSpin & #BookSpinBingo can be found at my masterpost that I created here - https://www.litsy.com/web/post/1989556 - but the basics are that if you want to play, make a list of 20 books you've been meaning to read & tag me when you post it!!
2. You do NOT have to participate in the Bingo part of the challenge if that isn't your thing!! You can read just the BookSpin or just the DoubleSpin or both, or however many books work ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) for you. Basically, choose the reading level that fits your life!! And feel free to change it from month to month!!

3. A NOTE ABOUT HOW I TAG PEOPLE: I have a rotating tag list, not a permanent one. So I'm tagging all of June's participants today, but today I am starting a NEW tag list. This means that if you would like to be tagged for July, either post your list (PLEASE tag me as I sadly do not have time to go through the hashtag!!) ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) OR let me know on this post that you still want tagged. I know some people don't make a new list every month, so please just let me know that you'd still like to be tagged. I know it's a little confusing, but it's my way of making sure I'm not tagging people who no longer wish to participate. Basically, you have to renew your #BookSpin subscription every month! 😂 ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks 4. If you want to take a month off but be tagged with the August reminder post, that's fine, too: just let me know & I'll make it happen!!

5. When you post your list, please let me know if you also want to be tagged in the #BookSpinBingo post specifically.

6. Just a reminder that the rules here are pretty loose. If you have a huge/challenging book, feel free to let it take up more than one square (I gave Moby-Dick five slots back in November!)⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) Some people struggle with having a super specific list & prefer to go with categories (i.e. library book, NetGalley, mystery, etc), which is also fine!! I have a participant who wants to makes sure she reads one physical book & one audiobook, so she makes a list of each & reads the #BookSpin number from the first list & #DoubleSpin from the second. Make this challenge work for you!! ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks 7. There is still plenty of time to get some books checked off your June lists, too!! And remember, if you didn‘t finish your “official” BS/DS books this month, you are welcome to finish them at a later date & still get credits for the giveaway – when you review the book, just let me know that it‘s from an earlier month. ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks 8. If you read your book(s) but just haven‘t gotten around to the reviews, you can still get credit – just comment on this post & let me know. I know the reviewing aspect is where some people get hung up, but I care more about the fact that you actually read it, not that you reviewed it!! ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks 9 (& final, geezy). Thank you all SO MUCH for your enthusiasm & for reading my rambly posts & for taking this challenge & making it your own. I LOVE seeing all the different ways people are making this challenge work for them!! Whether you use it to check off one book a month or 25, it's always fun to see at least a tiny dent in the never-ending TBR!! You all are THE BEST & I can't wait to see your lists for July!!! 3y
JackOBotts The best time of the month! 🤗🙌🏼 3y
Librarybelle Yay!! 3y
jessinikkip Hello, I'm not 100% sure how I would do the challenge as I do terrible with official TBRs, but Id love being tagged in posts for July, if its not trouble? 3y
Eggs Thanks Sarah ❤️ 3y
Lcsmcat I‘m in for June! I‘ll be posting my list next week while I‘m on vacation. 😀 3y
aa_guer2021 I am definitely continuing forward in July. I didn‘t get that many checked off, but I made a dent and approached reading with much more enthusiasm and energy since starting! 🥰 3y
Bookwormjillk I‘m in! 3y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick You know I'm in! Now I just have finalize the list. 3y
DivineDiana I experienced the same situation as @aa_guer2021 Will try again! 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @jessinikkip I just started this this year, & surprisingly it‘s worked for me. I just pick my list of books from ones I‘ve been meaning to read forever (usually my own personal books that usually get back burnered for library books, etc) and then whichever 2 get picked I try to push them to the top & finally read them. So I feel accomplished if I actually read them, & nothing lost if I don‘t, but a little more motivation to actually read them. 3y
MittenGirlPeach Nearly July!!!! Wow. I‘m in, as always. Now for the list! 3y
LibrarianRyan yeahhhh 3y
Cinfhen Wait, what?!?!? I can‘t believe it‘s nearly July!!! I‘m in 🥳 3y
Hestapleton I‘m going to skip this month! 3y
CBee Skipping! Too much life stuff going on 🤪 3y
candc320 This year is going so fast!! But I‘m getting lots of great reading done so yay! 3y
sharread I'm in! I can't believe I actually finished quite a few books on my tablet. Yippee. 🥳💥 3y
Michael_Gee @TheAromaofBooks I‘d like to participate in July! 3y
Megabooks Count me in again!!! Is this the one year anniversary of the bingo game?? I can‘t remember 🤔 3y
Julies_Bookshelf_Adventures Can‘t wait for July‘s bingo! 3y
bookandbedandtea I am genuinely surprised that July starts next week! It's not that I don't know the date, after all, end of quarter at work is also next week, but it still feels like a surprise. 🙃 At least I have my list halfway done... I'll step it up! 3y
imyril I‘m tapping out for July as I have a lot of ARC commitments this month and a big bookspin backlog 😂 I hope to be back aboard the good ship bookspin in August 😊 3y
claudiuo July already? It can't be! Really, that means half of this year is already mostly gone... Wow!
As for spin and bingo, I'm in for both. It will be a while before I can publish my list, still trying to finish my second bookspin and maybe get one bingo. Soon, I hope.
Thanks again for doing this, with all the stuff you have to do around the house!
RaeLovesToRead Oh wow, I've only finished 1 book this month so far. Luckily it was my #bookspin, but still... 😂😂 3y
RaeLovesToRead I'm totally in for July though!!! 3y
Simona 🙋🏻‍♀️I‘m in for #bookspin #doublespin and #bookspinbingo 3y
Deblovestoread I‘m in for it all! Even have my list mostly together. Will post soon. Thanks Sarah! 3y
NikkiM5 I‘m in for sure ❤️ 3y
TheAromaofBooks @jessinikkip - No worries!!! The original challenge was created with the idea of getting one book off your backlog TBR, so one option is to make a list of 20 books you've been meaning to read, and then just read the BookSpin number. You can also use categories instead of specific titles. I definitely recommend scrolling the #BookSpin tag list to see some of the creative ways people make the challenge work for them!! 3y
TheAromaofBooks @Riveted_Reader_Melissa - Exactly!! A lot of people love the Bingo part of the challenge which is great, but my original idea was exactly what you're doing!! Just trying to get a couple of those pesky long-term TBR books off the list!! @jessinikkip 3y
TheAromaofBooks @Megabooks - It totally is!!!! I had kind of forgotten there was a time when BookSpinBingo didn't exist! 😂 3y
TheAromaofBooks @Hestapleton @CBee @imyril - Would you all like to be on the August reminder tag list? I totally understand taking some time off!! 😁 3y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Holy cow! That time already?!? 😱❤️ 3y
jb72 Nooooo I‘m not ready! 3y
magyklyXdelish I‘ve read a whopping 2 books this month so far 🤦🏻‍♀️ hopefully July is better 3y
Hestapleton @TheAromaofBooks yeah put me on august for now and I‘ll play it by ear :) 3y
rockpools @RaeLovesToRead Surely that‘s a 100% success rate then 😉 3y
vlwelser ❤❤❤ 3y
BeckyWithTheGoodBooks I can‘t believe it‘s almost July! I haven‘t accomplished as much reading as I would‘ve liked this month, so I‘m in for July Book Spin/Bingo! 3y
Elizabeth2 Yay! (But I need more time to read in June.) 😉 3y
rabbitprincess Omg what even is this time passing!! Reading a bit more than last month, woo hoo! Definitely in again! 3y
Reviewsbylola I‘m in! Still chugging along on June! 3y
Kimberlone I will participate in July! Planning on an all BOTM bingo card. My first month participating has been so fun! 3y
dylanisreading I can't believe June is almost over! I'm in for July! 3y
Erinsuereads Woah woah woah no it can't be July! I'm in for July even though my progress was lame thus month 🤣 3y
TheAromaofBooks @SpookyMazeofBooks - After our whole conversation about getting your username right, I forgot to update it on my list!! 😂 Here's the reminder post for #BookSpin if you're still interested!! 3y
IamIamIam I'm so in!!! I need to revamp my list anyway because my DS choice for June is the 2nd book in a series! 😂 Oops! Thanks so much for all your hard work!!! 3y
AmyG Ha. I‘m in with only 1 book to read in July….still babysitting. I can‘t wait until August so I can get back on track! Thanks You!!! 3y
Kristin_Reads Your challenge helped me get through my TBR shelf of books this year! Just three more to go! Thank you so much for coordinating and hosting this! 📚🥳 3y
mrsmarch Thank you for the nudge! I can't believe June is almost over! I will work on my board this weekend. 🤓 3y
BarbaraJean I‘m in for July! BookSpin, DoubleSpin (and hopefully Bingo)! 3y
Bookgoil When you never made your June Bingo board 😂😅 I guess I‘ll make that now and see what spins were I was so out of it with the end of school and vacation. I think I read a lot of them! Hopefully I will get ahead in July! (edited) 3y
EadieB @TheAromaofBooks I'm in for July! Only read 10 so far for June but hope to finish more this last week. 3y
jessinikkip @TheAromaofBooks I definitely will participate and I'll look through the tag. @Riveted_Reader_Melissa thats a good idea, to not stress so much. I have a handful of NetGalley books and library books so it'll be a good month to give it a try 3y
Hooked_on_books I‘m slowly starting to stack up books for my July bingo board. But I definitely won‘t have them all figured out until next week! 🙃 3y
imyril @TheAromaofBooks yes please :) 3y
RainyDayReading It can‘t already almost be July....June just started yesterday 🤣🙈😅 3y
Tera66 This has been such a great motivator! Im getting more books read! Let's go July! 3y
Clare-Dragonfly I am in! Yaaaaay! 3y
aroc Ah! I have to make July already?!?!? 3y
Daisey I'm in again for July! I've been loving keeping track of books read each month with the Bingo format. 3y
Read4life I‘m in! Love this every month. 3y
Cassieloo I‘m in for July! Gonna give my June list another go ☀️ 3y
DrexEdit July! 🤪😜😵 I‘m in! I hope to finish and post both of my spin books this weekend! 3y
SpookyMazeOfBooks @TheAromaofBooks
A lot of books i read are a mixture of NetGalley , Kindle and physical so this challenge is going to be fun
SpookyMazeOfBooks Just need to pick one more book then I'll have my 20 books wrote up for my #bookspin list 3y
reading_rainbow I‘m in for BookSpin! I‘ll have my list done by the end of the week!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3y
kspenmoll Count me in! 3y
Zoes_Human Definitely in for #bookspin and #doublespin and #bookspinbingo Please & Thank You 3y
Q84 I'm in for all! 3y
SpookyMazeOfBooks Hopefully i tagged you and # my photo of my 20 books right 3y
Grrlbrarian I‘m in for all three as well!!! 3y
michellelav I'm going to use the same list since I only read 1 book from the list 😅 I'll make that # a random book from the library 😊 3y
Ash.on.the.line I‘m in! I‘m getting a list together right now! No bingo but it‘s always fun to try! 😄 3y
Bookzombie Sorry for the delayed response. I‘m in for #bookspin and #doublespin this month, but I‘m going to skip the bingo this time. I will include that when I post my list. 💗 3y
Haileysbooksandarts I think I'm going to try all three. It's my birthday next month so that means more books are coming my way need to knock some out. #bookspin #doublespin #bookspinbingo 3y
Singout I‘m in! 3y
ravenlee I‘m going to take a break from #bookspin for a month or two. Feeling overwhelmed with reading challenges and social media and trying to give myself a break. I‘ll let you know when I can come back - and thank you for being awesome! 3y
TheAromaofBooks @ravenlee - No worries, I know how that goes!!! You know where to find me if you decide you want to jump back in!! 3y
CloakNQuill Posting my list tomorrow 😊 3y
ncsufoxes Late to respond but I‘m in, just posted my list last night (busy week of flying cross country & college visits) 3y
Seeking_Serenity My list will be up by tomorrow hopefully ✌🏼 thanks for hosting this and I'm in for #bookspin and #bookspinbingo 3y
134 likes106 comments
July Jitters | Ron Roy
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I didn't feel like July was a very productive or enjoyable month.
Total reads: 15
Only one 5⭐ read - Eve of Eridu
Goodreads: 106/100 - I reached my goal this month!!
#litsyatoz: 3/26 (total 23/26 - female authors)
#booked2019: 2/6 (total 16/18)

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Excellent! 💕📚💕 5y
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