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Spinning Heart. Donal Ryan
Spinning Heart. Donal Ryan | Donal Ryan
31 posts | 23 read | 23 to read
In the aftermath of Ireland's financial collapse, dangerous tensions surface in an Irish town. Through a chorus of unique voices, each struggling to tell their own kind of truth, a single authentic tale unfolds.
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The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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Beautifully written, but relentlessly bleak and heart breaking. Desperate people in desperate situations doing desperate things, and each judging each other. But again, the writing was stellar, and the format intriguing. One you read when you're in the mood for a sad book.

Cathythoughts I loved this book. We read it for Bookclub a good few years ago ❤️💔 2mo
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The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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Saturday cheers before I make dinner!

The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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I finished this a few days ago, and have been trying to process it since. It‘s another where I don‘t really know what I feel about it. The writing is beautiful, and the way the author creates a that feeling of an undercurrent of tension an Irish town affected by recession is very well done. I recognise that it‘s an excellent book, so it‘s getting a pick. But it‘s not really my “thing” - whatever my “thing” is!🤣

Cathythoughts Great review, I remember loving this one ♥️ (edited) 6mo
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The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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@Cathythoughts , your post about another novel by this author reminded me that I still had this gift from you on my shelves!

I‘m only two chapters in and but already loving it (especially the Irish terminology and slang 😆).
Thanks again, my friend! 😘😘

Tamra Stacked! 😄 2y
LeahBergen @Tamra It‘s so good. Each chapter is told by a different person from the village. 👍 2y
Cathythoughts Oh good. I thought it was a very good book. I hope you enjoy the rest of it 👍🏻♥️ 2y
LeahBergen @Cathythoughts I REALLY enjoyed it! 👏👏 Thanks so much. 😘😘 2y
Cathythoughts I‘m so glad. I remember enjoying it too 😘 2y
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The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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Thank you Caroline, Emma, Jessie, Jenny (more in a min), Jess and an anonymous friend- let me know so I can thank you properly!
So many cool books to choose from today!!

BarbaraBB Wow, you‘ve been spoiled 🤍🤍 3y
TrishB @BarbaraBB I‘m feeling very happy, and slightly overwhelmed! Thank you for your gifts 💜💜 3y
Caroline2 You‘re welcome. I hope you have a lovely day. 😘 3y
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Crazeedi Have the best birthday and year!!🎉 3y
Deblovestoread Happy birthday! 🎈🎂🎈 3y
squirrelbrain Lovely! ❤️ 3y
rockpools Happy Birthday Trish! Hope you had a fab day. I‘m probably Anonymous 🐭. And the other half of your prez will probably arrive In The Future, with or without a gift message. The fun thing about non-Amazon shopping is the surprise element- you just never know where, when, how… 3y
TrishB @rockpools it‘s good that we know each other so well as I thought it was you 😁😁 thank you, it looks amazing and I had a fab day. 3y
Cinfhen ♥️ 3y
rockpools The other bit of your birthday present may arrive tomorrow (or it may not)… So if something anonymous arrives, it might be from me. Or it might not be. 🤔🤗 (edited) 3y
TrishB @rockpools mysterious 🧐 3y
TrishB Sounds exciting @rockpools 😘 3y
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Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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Got my February #bookspin list ready to go! Can‘t wait to fill out my bingo card!


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4y
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The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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Good morning, everyone! The moment you have all been waiting for!! Sorry I am running a little late this morning!! Our official #BookSpin number is TEN!! Our official #DoubleSpin number is FIVE!! I have thoroughly enjoyed looking at everyone's lists & am really looking forward to seeing your reviews!

Just a few quick housekeeping items that I would really appreciate if you would take a moment to read, which are usually the same BUT this month ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) I have extra info about the END OF THE YEAR GIVEAWAY!! So please read!!

My next post will be the #BookSpinBingo card!!!

1. Remember, this is a no-pressure challenge!! You can read one or both of these books. You can bail on them. You can bail on the whole challenge and try again next month. Whatever works!! This is supposed to be fun not stressful!! ⬇
TheAromaofBooks 2. I am hoping to have a giveaway at the end of the year. Entries are reviews of #BookSpin books, but I will only know about them if you tag me, so please tag me whenever you read & review your book for the month. DNFs count! The goal for #BookSpin is to get a book off your TBR, so if you decide not to finish it, it's still off the list, so tag me & tell me why you bailed. ⬇ 4y
TheAromaofBooks 3. I am tagging everyone who posted a list, so if you posted a list & you do not get tagged here, please let me know! It means I either accidentally missed your original #BookSpin post OR I wrote down your username wrong. Either way, I'm really sorry. Everyone is welcome to join this challenge, so if I missed you it was entirely by mistake - just let me know!! ⬇ 4y
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TheAromaofBooks 4. Every BookSpin/DoubleSpin book that you have read & tagged me in the review for this year counts as an entry for the giveaway!! As most of you know, you can read a book in a different month & still get credit (i.e. you can read July‘s book this month & as long as you tell me it‘s from July, it still counts!) HOWEVER the deadline for all 2020 books will be December 31!! So if you still have some that you want to check off the list ⬇ 4y
TheAromaofBooks 4, cont'd - for giveaway entries, you may want to focus on them!! Despite bingo being an option & many people reading lots more than 2 books from their list, there is a maximum of 2 entries per person per month (except for April when we officially had a TripleSpin read haha). I‘m not 100% sure on what the giveaway will entail but I am leaning towards drawing five names & each of those people get one book from their wishlist. ⬇ 4y
TheAromaofBooks 4, cont'd - I wish I could send all of you wonderful people a book because your posts have made me SO happy!!! If anyone has any questions about the giveway (or any aspect of this challenge haha), as always, just let me know!!

5 & final - While I don't have time to reply to all of the comments to this post, I do read every one and love seeing which books got picked for you!! Thank you all so much for your enthusiasm, and happy reading!!!
wanderinglynn w00t! 🎉 4y
Librarybelle I‘ve been anxiously awaiting this! Looks like mine are The Death of Vivek Oji and The Girl in the Mirror! 4y
wordslinger42 I've got a dragon theme this month 😂 My book spin is The Summer Dragon by Todd Lockwood and double spin is How To Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell 🐉 4y
JamieArc Yay! Great numbers! Caste and The Shadow of the Wind for me 😊 4y
BookNAround Yay! Both of these numbers are books that have been on my book spin list for a bunch of months without being picked. Nice that it‘s their month. (Bingo by Rita Mae Brown and One of Our Thursdays Is Missing by Jasper Fforde) 4y
Annie1215 Thanks for hosting! I get through so many books on my TBR by doing bingo. 4y
GinaKButler Woo-Hoo!! I love the 2nd of every month! Thanks for hosting! 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Thoughts of Dog (a quick read) and The Mall. I'm excited! 4y
JackOBotts Yay! Excited to read The Duel (Casanova) and How to Stop Time (Haig). This is such a fun way to tackle my TBR!! 📚📚🤗 4y
Soubhiville @Librarybelle I‘m also reading Vivek Oji (I‘ve already started it and LOVE it!) for my bookspin! Lol. My doublespin is Dark Archives. Thank you @TheAromaofBooks , I just love Bookspin! 4y
Read-y_Picker Wooooooo! I am very ok with this outcome! 💃🏻 4y
TheSpineView The Last List of Miss Judith Kratt and The Memory of Souls are my books this month! Stoked! 4y
claudiuo The highlight of my every start of the month: the BookSpin drawing. Mine are Mexican Gothic and Pineapple Lies, both recent ebook purchases.
Thank you so much for all you do and for making the months passing so fast feel a bit better!
(edited) 4y
AllisonM89 The Overstory and The Dark is Rising! 4y
Bklover Oh my gosh that‘s a lot of people to tag! Thank you soooi much!! 4y
Hestapleton Oo I‘ve got good ones! Code Name Verity and Forest of a Thousand Lanterns! 4y
AmyG Yay!!! Best day of the month. For me it‘s 4y
Bklover Oh, and my books are The Woods and Ship of Fools! 4y
La_Cori Woohoo! My books are Moby Dick 🐳 and Fix Her Up.. 4y
Librarybelle @Soubhiville Good to know! 😁 4y
MatchlessMarie I think the Universe wants me to get my life together. My spins for the month are The Explosive Child and Decluttering at the Speed of Life 🧺🧨 4y
MaleficentBookDragon I excited about my picks this month. Sparkling Cyanide is my #doublespin and my #bookspin is 4y
mollyrotondo The Center of the World and The Road Through the Wall. Thank you! 4y
Sace Woo hoo! Thank you! 4y
Lcsmcat White Noise and Inland. This is just the push I needed to read the DeLillo. 😀 4y
alisiakae Yay! This is definitely doable this month! Last month, my #doublespin was accidentally a book I still had packed away in storage 😆 4y
i.besteph Yay! I‘ve been waiting for this. Mine‘s a cozy book (the series I‘ve been trying to finish all year long long hehe) AND the second life of Bree tanner. I‘ll work on my numbers from August as well cuz I did so bad that month haha. Thanks @TheAromaofBooks for hosting as always! 🤗🤗🥳 (edited) 4y
Megabooks This is my two #botm choices!! So they aren‘t even here yet. Lololol 😂😂 Funny that it would turn out to be both of them. Thanks so much, Sarah! 4y
Laughterhp Yay! One of my LMPBC books and a library book I don‘t have yet 😬 4y
meghathecloud Yay! Forest of Enchantments and The Remains of the Day are my books. 4y
Allylu Woohoo! You don‘t know how excited we get for #BookSpin around here! Thank you! 💕😊📚⛄️💕 4y
magyklyXdelish 10 for me is Recursion and 5 for me is Piranesi 😊 4y
ravenlee You‘re awesome! 4y
Ash.on.the.line Bookspin is An offer from a gentleman and double spin is mediator 5 so I should get both of them! Thanks for all the hard work putting this together! 😄 (edited) 4y
vlwelser I think I fell off your list. I didn't post my list until super late, though. Can you put me back on? Pretty please? 4y
Eggs Thanks Sarah W👀 - H👀 !! My #bookspin is The Biggest Lie; #doublespin is A Line Out for A walk. @TheAromaofBooks 4y
TheAromaofBooks @vlwelser - Absolutely!! Sometimes I miss it when people tag me... Litsy doesn't always think I should know about it!! 😂 Sorry about that!! 4y
Deblovestoread The 2nd of the month is one of my favorite days! #Bookspin is The Testaments which I will read with trepidation and #Doublespin is The Golden Hour. Thanks, Sarah! 4y
Sargar114 Thanks Sarah! My #bookspin is If Only I Could Tell You and my #doublespin is An Absolutely Remarkable Thing. 4y
melissajayne I posted a list and didn‘t get tagged this month 4y
vlwelser @TheAromaofBooks No worries! Thank you for doing all of this! 4y
Heideschrampf Thank you for keeping all this going and all the positive vibes, @TheAromaofBooks ! This challenge really doubled my reading fun and i‘m constantly thinking about it (in a good way) 😘👻 4y
bookandbedandtea I look forward to this post every month! Thanks so much for doing this, @TheAromaofBooks ! 4y
maich I already started to listening Shantaram (No.10). The Dutch Maiden (No.5) is slovenian edition (ARC) I received for review. Can't wait to start it. 4y
rockpools Fun. I got Nothing to See Here and Invisible Cities - both relatively short! Sure I can finish ONE of those😁 4y
Gezemice Thank you! I had categories, and they are “10. From my kids” and “5. Nonfiction”. From my kids, are books my kids have and I want to read. This might be TheAdventure Zone or Smoke Gets In Your Eyes. Nonfiction I regularly read so that will come, my next one is “Because Internet. Thanks for the game! 4y
KVanRead Yay!!! I‘m excited for both of mine!! Thanks for this awesome challenge ❤️ 4y
sharread Is there a Bingo card I forgot. 4y
TheAromaofBooks @melissajayne - That's definitely because I put an underscore in your username when there isn't supposed to be one! Sorry about that - I fixed it on my list!! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @sharread - Yes!! I will tag you on that post!! 4y
Andrew65 For me it‘s 4y
melissajayne @TheAromaofBooks no problem 👍🏻 4y
ImperfectCJ Hooray for another month of #bookspin! Just so you know, I think there's an extra space in my Litsy handle in your tag list, so I didn't get tagged. I found the post, though, obviously. :-) 4y
TheAromaofBooks @ImperfectCJ - Oh, so there is!! Sorry about that. Luckily you know where to find me 😂 4y
UwannaPublishme Thank you for making the 2nd my favorite day of the month! 🤗📚❤️ 4y
paper.reveries So exciting!!! 4y
Bookzombie Yay! My books are The Ruin of a Rake and 4y
LeticiaToraci #Bookspin is 10, Mexican Gothic and #Doublespin 5, Enchantee. Here we go! 4y
Suet624 She Would Be King!! 4y
ElizaMarie I think that I got missed on the tag (or I just didn't see my notifications right) .. Can you please re-add me if I was accidentally deleted. 4y
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The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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@Cathythoughts !! What a wonderful birthday bundle! 😍😍

All three books sound amazing and I love that you included a written postcard with each of them. And new sweets for me to discover and a lovely bookmark, too! ❤️❤️

I love it all. Thank you so much, sweet friend! 😘😘

Tanisha_A Wow 😍 4y
MicheleinPhilly Happy Birthday, lovely! 😘 4y
MsMelissa How lovely 😊 4y
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rubyslippersreads That gorgeous, spooky cover on 4y
Cathythoughts Happy Birthday Leah ! Have a lovely, lovely day 😘 4y
Cathythoughts Have you ever had a walnut whip ?? Sublime 😋 4y
AceOnRoam Happy birthday lovely 🥰🍷🍰 4y
Ruthiella Happy Birthday! 🥳🥳🥳 4y
TrishB How lovely ❤️❤️ 4y
squirrelbrain Lovely gifts! ❤️ 4y
emilyhaldi Wow!🙌🏻 4y
KVanRead Happy birthday 🎉 4y
quietjenn Happiest birthday wishes to you! 4y
BarbaraBB That is such a sweet gift! Enjoy 💚 4y
LeahBergen @Cathythoughts I‘ve never tried one but I‘m thinking tomorrow is the day. 😂 Thanks so much again for everything! 😘😘 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Lovely! 🥰 I‘ve only read Bodies of Light, very good! 4y
erzascarletbookgasm I‘m sorry my book from BD did not make it on time, Leah. But I hope you‘ll like it whenever it arrives..😄..saw it on your TBR and I know you enjoy the author. 4y
LeahBergen @erzascarletbookgasm No worries! Book Depository deliveries are pretty slow reaching Canada. Thanks so much for sending me something! 😘😘 4y
Centique Happy belated birthday Leah! All your books look so lovely, hope you had a wonderful day 💕 4y
youneverarrived Happy Birthday Leah ♥️♥️ 4y
Palimpsest Happy birthday! 🥳 4y
LeahBergen @Centique Aww, thanks so much! 😘😘 4y
LeahBergen @youneverarrived Thanks, friend! 😘 4y
LeahBergen @Palimpsest Thank you! 😘😘 4y
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The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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Okay, friends, I'm still waiting for Mom to arrive, so I'm going to get this posted really quickly!! Bingo may be later this morning, though! 😂

Our official #BookSpin number is SEVEN!! Our official #DoubleSpin number is NINETEEN!! I have thoroughly enjoyed looking at everyone's lists & am really looking forward to seeing your reviews!

Just a few quick housekeeping items that I would really appreciate if you would take a moment to read - ⬇

TheAromaofBooks 1. Remember, this is a no-pressure challenge!! You can read one or both of these books. You can bail on them. You can read them in November & then tag me & tell me they were from September. Whatever works!! This is supposed to be fun not stressful!! ⬇ 4y
TheAromaofBooks 2. I am hoping to have a giveaway at the end of the year. Entries are reviews of #BookSpin books, but I will only know about them if you tag me, so please tag me whenever you read & review your book for the month. DNFs count! The goal for #BookSpin is to get a book off your TBR, so if you decide not to finish it, it's still off the list, so tag me & tell me why you bailed. ⬇ 4y
TheAromaofBooks 3. I am tagging everyone who posted a list, so if you posted a list & you do not get tagged here, please let me know! It means I either accidentally missed your original #BookSpin post OR I wrote down your username wrong. Either way, I'm really sorry. Everyone is welcome to join this challenge, so if I missed you it was entirely by mistake - just let me know!! ⬇ 4y
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TheAromaofBooks 4 & final - While I don't have time to reply to all of the comments to this post, I do read every one and love seeing which books got picked for you!! Thank you all so much for your enthusiasm, and happy reading!!! 4y
BayouGirl85 😁👏🏼😁 4y
TheAromaofBooks Just in time!! Here comes Mom with breakfast!! 😁 I'll be back with bingo in a few hours!!! 4y
Gissy The moment has come!📚📚📚🙌 Here I am waiting with a coffee☕️📚❤️Am I obsessed with BookSpinBingo?🤔Yes!!!!😌 4y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm YES!!! ❤️🤘😆🤘❤️ 4y
OriginalCyn620 Yay! 🤗 4y
Cinfhen Enjoy your breakfast with mom!!!!!! I‘m kind of jealous xxxx I miss seeing my family 😢 4y
Chrissyreadit ❤️🧡🖤👏🙌😍🥳🎉💗❣️have fun with breakfast! 4y
mollyrotondo Yayyy!! 4y
Enchanted_Bibliophile 🎉🎉🎊YAY🎊🎉🎉. I've been obsessively checking Litsy for this post 4y
Bookwormjillk Enjoy your breakfast! 4y
AmyG Hooray! 🎉🎉🎉 4y
squirrelbrain Yay, it‘s here! Have a lovely time with your Mum! 4y
Chelsey_5 💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️yay!! 4y
i.besteph Can‘t wait! 🥳🥳 no 7 is Vampire diaries for me. I‘ve been binge watching the series. Now I can‘t wait to dive in and reread the books again hahah 4y
i.besteph @Enchanted_Bibliophile hahaha I know what you mean! It‘s so exciting 😂😍 4y
GinaKButler This has been on my TBR forever! 🎉 4y
Librarybelle Yay! Looks like The Last Mrs Parrish and The Noonday Demon for me! 4y
Enchanted_Bibliophile @AnotherMissBennet Right? I mean it's the single most excitable moment of my month ☺️ 4y
Librariana @TheAromaofBooks - Yay!! What a treat that they're here a little earlier than expected. Thank you for thinking of us! 😊 I read through your housekeeping items (thank you for those, too!) and I did not spot my name on the list, but that's OK! I'm a newbie 😁🧡 Now I'm gonna go check my list and see who the 🍀 lucky winners are! 4y
BarkingMadRead Hooray! Big Little Lies and Murder with Peacocks 4y
keys_on_fire Yay!!!! I can‘t believe how much I‘ve been excited for this! My books are: The Catcher in the Rye & Taking the Titanic 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick 7 is a Free Space (I attended my list by length of title) and 19 is Never Cross A Vampire, a book that I've had for about 15+ years and never read! This means one of the many books I had on my list and removed still has a chance to be read! 4y
Allylu Where are the housekeeping items? 4y
Clare-Dragonfly Ooh yay! The first time I opened Litsy for the day and it‘s the BookSpin numbers! 😄 Mine are Puck of Pook‘s Hill and Natalie Tan‘s Book of Luck and Fortune. I might actually read the DoubleSpin this time if the library hold comes in! @Allylu If you keep scrolling up beyond the tagged names, the housekeeping items are in the first comments. 4y
magyklyXdelish 7 is Woom and 19 is everything‘s eventual 🖤 4y
Pageturner1 👏🥳 4y
Megabooks Eagerly awaiting bingo board! For me, #bookspin is One to Watch and my #doublespin is 4y
Cosmos_Moon_River Thanks @TheAromaofBooks! This is such a fun game you created and I‘ve enjoyed it so much, to get my dusty TBRs off the shelf. Looking forward to these September bookspins... The Girl on the Train and 4y
ChaoticMissAdventures This gives me the year of magical thinking by Joan Didion and uncommon type by Tom Hanks! 4y
Allylu @Clare-Dragonfly Thanks. For some reason, I didn‘t see the names or the items when I scrolled up before. 4y
rockpools Nice! I‘ve got Behold the Dreamers and Isca: the fall of Roman Exeter 4y
Sace Thanks so much for hosting/organizing this monthly activity. I have so much fun with it! 4y
Hestapleton I‘ve got two books I‘ve been meaning to get to all year! The Remains of the Day and No Country for Old Men. 4y
bookandbedandtea I love these choices! My #7 is a new book: One To Watch and #20 is an old one: Campaign Widows, which I've had on my list for the last few months and haven't gotten to. Being an election year I felt it was the right time to read this one.😊 4y
bookandbedandtea I wish I could edit comments. I MEANT to say "my #19 is Campaign Widows"... not sure why I put 20.? 4y
EclecticBookLover So excited to participate this month! 🤗 4y
Johanna414 I just posted my list- I realized this morning that I had made it but forgot to post a picture! 4y
marleed Oh yeah, I have After Anna as my Bookspin and Today will be Different as my Doublespin - finally the latter will be read! 4y
robinb Yay!!! Fantasy is taking center stage this month for me...I‘ll be reading Phoenix Unbound and Storm Cursed! Looking forward to both!! Thanks Sarah! 😊 4y
RainyDayReading Woohoo! Bookspin is Into the Drowning Deep and Night Film is my Doublespin! 4y
claudiuo Yay! Thank you so much! Today was a tough day at work, I was so looking forward to this... Tagged book is my BookSpin and Three Moments of an Explosion by China Miéville is my DoubleSpin. Thank you, thank you! (edited) 4y
Desha Thank you @TheAromaofBooks! My bookspin was The Coldest Winter, a history book about the Korean War. I‘ve been needing to read it so I can give it back to a friend lol! 🤪😂😊 So here‘s my chance! 📚📚📚 4y
triplem80 Yay, so excited to try this out! Just a heads up (as requested), I didn't get tagged (though perhaps there was a problem on my end when I posted the other day) for this one. Thanks for doing this! 4y
DoctorMirabilis1267 Thank you @TheAromaofBooks ! My books at The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon and Malcolm by James Purdy. 4y
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The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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Reading this great little book set in the aftermath of Ireland's financial crash. Each chapter a perspective from a different character in an Irish village. Picked this up a couple of years ago in Ireland, and today it asked to be read. Bonus, it matches my outfit.

TrishB Love it when books shout out to be read. 4y
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Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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#bookspin list for June! Hoping to get numbers that line up with my #booked2020 challenge. Fell a little behind in the quarantine craziness 😬


TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fun stack!! 4y
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The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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I had a lot of trouble getting this to fit in this space, but here is my June list for #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin Thank you for hosting this challenge. It has made a big difference in getting my TBR read!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Great list!! 4y
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The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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Hey friends!! We are a little over a week away from drawing June's #BookSpin & #DoubleSpin numbers, but since it's a nice long weekend for many of us, I thought I'd post the reminder today in case people want to work on their lists!!

For June, I'm back to regular #BookSpin life!! I'm just planning to draw the usual two numbers.

As usual, please tag me directly when you post your lists so I can add you to the list. When I draw the numbers, I ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) only tag people who have posted lists so that I don't hassle people with tags when they aren't interested!!! For this post, I'm tagging everyone who posted a list in May. Don't worry, we still have over a week to read however many Bonanza books you are trying to get through!! I've been amazed by everyone's progress!!! I'm hoping to host another #BookSpinBonanza this fall, probably in October.

Can't wait to see everyone's lists for June!
BarkingMadRead I will work on my list on Monday!! 4y
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jenniferw88 I'm not doing it this month because I'm doing #readyoursign, but feel free to tag me for July's list! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @jenniferw88 - Sounds like a plan!! Thanks for letting me know; I'll keep you on the list. I still need to figure out my books for #ReadMySign, too!! 4y
Librarybelle Sounds good! As usual, I‘m still catching up with my April spins, not to mention May spins, but will definitely participate for June. This is so fun! I‘ll post my list at the end of May, with hopes I‘ll have some knocked off from my #bookspinbonanza ! Thanks for doing this! 4y
aroc @TheAromaofBooks You got it dude! 👍 4y
madams421 Ooh I‘m in! 4y
rabbitprincess Sweet! My list is all ready to go! 4y
Soubhiville Oh gosh June is getting close! Time to update my list 😊 4y
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRun @Librarybelle @Soubhiville - we still have plenty of time, but today it actually finally feels like June (instead of March!!!) so it got me thinking about it already! 😂 4y
OriginalCyn620 Awesome! Still working on my June list but it‘ll be done soon! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @aroc @madams421 @rabbitprincess - Yay!! Can't wait to see your lists!! 4y
BookishMe ReadYourSign will be the theme for June Bookspin 🤗🤗 those prompt titles will form about half the list 😉 4y
Catherine_Willoughby Had started my list & read 3 books already from it 🤦‍♀️ Starting from scratch again 4y
Sace Woo hoo! I'm so excited! I decided recently to reserve the first weekend of every month to doing a personal read-a-ton (sic) specifically to get a jump start on #bookspin 😁 4y
squirrelbrain I think I‘ll do a whole new list for June.... time to get thinking. Thanks for hosting such a fun challenge! 4y
Julies_Bookshelf_Adventures I‘love post my list at the end of May, hopefully I can get a couple more knocked out of the #bookspinbonanza 😊 4y
ravenlee I‘ll post my list next weekend, as I‘m hoping to make some more headway on #bookspinbonanza first. Also still need to make my #15Books15Weeks list and sort out my first round of the library‘s summer reading program. 4y
Allylu I already have my list!! I will post it today. 4y
bookandbedandtea I'll start working on my list. Thanks for the reminder! 4y
marleed Oh my stack is almost ready. This time I‘m adding 5 books from the back of my Libby wishlist- I‘m excited about that! My holds of current in-demand books having been drop fast in 2020 so I haven‘t read from the wishlist almost all year. 4y
AsYouWish I have a list of about 150 books, but waiting for all my prompts to come out so I can narrow it down to my 20ish books. 4y
rockpools How can it possibly be June next week?! Could we have a recount please? 4y
TheAromaofBooks @squirrelbrain @HufflepuffGirl90 @ravenlee @AsYouWish - we still have plenty of time to post lists, I just get excited and post my reminder earlier every month 😂 4y
TheAromaofBooks @RachelO - Well we technically have slightly more than a week left, so hopefully that helps!! 😂 4y
Deblovestoread Updating my list this weekend. Can‘t believe June is around the corner. 4y
Bookwormjillk Oh, fun! That is a good weekend project. 4y
BookwormAHN I'll be rearranging my BOTM backlog for #BookSpin this weekend. 4y
EliNeedsMoreShelves OMG it's almost June already! 4y
BGam Looking forward to it!! 4y
Eggs Thanks for the reminder! I‘m with you for the rest of the year 💕 will post my June list soon @TheAromaofBooks 4y
smilingshelves I'm planning to participate for the first time in June! I'll have to start getting my list ready. 😊 4y
UwannaPublishme I almost forgot about June! I may sneak PG in a few slots. 🤫 4y
TheAromaofBooks @smilingshelves - Yay!! Just tag me whenever you post your list!! So glad you are going to join!! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @UwannaPublishme - or ALL Wodehouse slots?! 😁 4y
CBee @TheAromaofBooks I‘m going to skip June. Hope to pick back up in July 🙂 Thank you! 4y
BayouGirl85 I think I need to see how much I can get through my May list. I am doing the read your sign as well so I will need to double dip. Lol 4y
TheAromaofBooks @CBee - Sounds good!! I'll keep you on the list to tag you with a reminder when it's time to post July's list!! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @BayouGirl85 - I won't draw until next Tuesday, so still loads of time to decide what you want to put on your list!!! 4y
CBee @TheAromaofBooks thank you ❤️ 4y
Powered_By_Plants Ooh yes please This sounds like fun! Will start working on my list 😁 @smilingshelves this will be my first bookspin too 😊 4y
TheAromaofBooks It will be lovely to have you join us @Powered_By_Plants!!! Just tag me when you post your list!! 4y
Powered_By_Plants @TheAromaofBooks thank you so much 😊 4y
VeganCleopatra @TheAromaofBooks I'm new to #BookSpin but I think I'll try to participate. Is it every month? I note that you mentioned bookspinbonanza for October. I'm curious, how does that differ? 4y
TheAromaofBooks @VeganCleopatra - I would be happy to have you along!! Yes, I draw the numbers on the 2nd of every month. Every month I draw 2 numbers (#BookSpin & #DoubleSpin), but in May we did #BookSpinBonanza & I drew all 20 numbers & some folks tried to read their whole list in order!! So we are going to try that again this fall. But June is back to the regular 2-number pick!! Hope that makes sense. Tag me if you decide to post a list!!! 4y
VeganCleopatra @TheAromaofBooks That makes sense, thanks! 4y
erinreads @silentrequiem Here‘s the #bookspin info! Make a list of 20 of your TBR books and then @TheAromaofBooks randomly picked two numbers and you just read them. I think last month it was a little more intense, but this is my first go at it. 4y
TheAromaofBooks @silentrequiem - @erinreads is totally correct!! It's a pretty laid-back challenge - you can read both books, or one; deciding to bail on a chosen book totally “counts“; and some people don't participate every month, which is also cool!! Let me know if you have any questions. If you'd like to join, you can make a list and jump in this month, or let me know & I'll put you on the tag list for July. Be sure to tag me if you make a list!! 4y
silentrequiem @TheAromaofBooks Awesome! I can't this month because it's Hugo Award reading but please tag me for July! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @silentrequiem - Sounds good!!! I have you on the list!! 4y
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Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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🎧 Lit-fic set in a small town in Ireland in the aftermath of the housing bust a few years ago. Each chapter is told from a different character‘s POV and, each testimony sheds light on the characters and events told. Wayne Farrell (the audiobook narrator) deftly handles all the roles.

This is a re-listen for me, a short (5+ hr) refresher before I head into ‘The Thing About December‘— Up next!

Crazeedi Sounds good 5y
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The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan

Read half the book. Great writing but all the characters are so very unrelatable to me and I can‘t get to know any of them well because each chapter is from the perspective of a different character. Depressing book. Have to bail and find something uplifting to read for awhile.

The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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An Irish pick to read before my trip to Ireland this month!

BibliOphelia One of my favorite travel destinations! ❤️☘️ 6y
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The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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Shopping spree in Dingle, Ireland! 😍 Lovely bookshop there. They had a list of their top ten Irish fiction, so I picked two randomly. Hadn't heard of these before, although they have won/been nominated for awards. Anyone read them?

wanderinglynn I love Ireland & Dingle was such a fun town to visit. Hope you have a lovely time! 6y
Oryx @wanderinglynn such a pretty town. Really enjoyed it. 6y
Cathythoughts I loved the Spinning Heart. Dingle is a great spot for music 👍🏻❤️ 6y
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Emilymdxn I just bought Solar Bones cause I‘d heard it was really good! Haven‘t read it yet but I‘m excited for it 6y
andrew61 I read solar bones last year and loved it, i would usually run a mile at the idea of a single sentence book but it was great and an engaging read, made all the better seeing him in person. 6y
Onioons Have a great time in Dingle! The opening sentences of The Spinning Heart are some of my favourite lines of all time... 6y
Oryx @Emilymdxn @Cathythoughts @andrew61 @oonions Thanks, I feel like I've made a good choice with these then 😎 6y
Oryx @andrew61 I didn't realise it was single sentence. Sounds interesting. Since I normally stop and start mid sentence, I probably won't notice! 6y
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The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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The scene is set. Bookclub back on tonight after summer break. I'm hosting. Just waiting for the ladies to arrive now 🎉🍷❤️

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I want to come!!!! 📚❤️ 7y
CareBear This looks awesome! 7y
Cathythoughts @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I want you to come too ❤️ 7y
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Cathythoughts Thanks @CareBear , it's exciting 7y
Ms_T I want to join your book club! 7y
Cathythoughts @Ms_T you would be very welcome 👍 7y
Ms_T @Cathythoughts Have fun! It looks amazing ❤️ 7y
TrishB Looks fab 👍 what are you discussing tonight? 7y
Cathythoughts @TrishB the Spinning heart 7y
TrishB Cool 👍 have a good night 7y
ReadingEnvy Are you having Irish food? 7y
Tanisha_A Wow! Have awesome fun. :) 7y
batsy That looks so inviting! If I crashed this book club you will find me next to the cheese 😋 🧀 7y
Cathythoughts Don't worry @batsy we will put you right next to the cheese 😉 7y
Cathythoughts @ReadingEnvy we are having nibbles, cheese ( French & Irish) crackers, crisps, humus, peanuts, Bombay mix. And chocolate. And vino 😋 7y
Cathythoughts @Tanisha_A thankyou 😊 7y
batsy You're too sweet. I will bring an extra bottle of wine to compensate for all the cheese I'll eat. 😀 7y
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The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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#septenbowie #sorrow @Marchpane @Cinfhen A further quote from the Spinning Heart. Bridie is speaking of Bobby here. He is a man ofcorse, but Bridie endearingly calls him a boy here. #sorrow

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The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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#Septembowie #Lookbackinanger @Marchpane @Cinfhen in this quote from The Spinning Heart ❤️ Bobby looks back in anger. " we couldn't breathe right" he says.

Cinfhen Well done 👍🏻💚 7y
quietlycuriouskate Makes me feel all tight round the middle just reading that! 7y
Cathythoughts @River_Voice I know ! And Bobby is a beautiful man in this book. Great writing & all the feelings explored in great depth. ❤️ 7y
quietlycuriouskate I already had it stacked; looks like I might have to bump it up the list. 7y
Cathythoughts @River_Voice well worth it ❤️ 7y
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The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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Set during the recent Irish recession , The Spinning Heart gives a voice to individuals struggling with their inner worlds & the recession. It is heartbreakingly beautiful & sad & funny & so real. " there is a red metal heart in the centre of the low front gate, skewered on a rotating hinge. It's flaking now , the red is nearly gone. ......
It still spins in the wind , though, A flaking , creaking, spinning heart ❤️ A short book, a masterpiece ?

batsy Lovely review! I've seen this a few times in a local used bookstore but wasn't sure if I should get it. I hope it's still there 😊 7y
Cathythoughts @batsy I hope so too. It's very Irish & very universal ❤️ 7y
Cathythoughts @batsy & im just thinking " in a local used bookstore" sounds like the spinning heart ❤️ 7y
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TrishB Sounds lovely 👍 7y
Cathythoughts @TrishB it's lovely in a real heavy way 🔥 7y
Libby1 This is a little masterpiece. I agree! 7y
Cathythoughts @Libby1 it surely is 👍 7y
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The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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#AwesomeAutumnBooks @Jess7 #perfectpets. New haircuts !!! Harry & Jack are looking good , the little pets 😊& The Spinning Heart is brilliant ❤️

Texreader Oh so cute!!! 7y
LauraBeth Awwww - they're cute and they know it 💕💕 7y
Moonpa ❤️🐶❤️🐶 7y
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RohitSawant ❤❤ 7y
Ms_T Cuties! 7y
Sace 😍❤️😍❤️😍 7y
Caroline2 Cuteeeee! 😍 7y
batsy They're looking super dapper 💙 7y
Cathythoughts Thanks @batsy @Caroline2 @RestlessFickleBookSlut @Texreader @LauraBeth @Moonpa @rohit-sawant @Ms_T yes @batsy dapper is a good word for them & they know it too 🙄 7y
Jess7 💙💙💙💙💙 your #DogsOfLitsy (edited) 7y
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The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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This is next up for me. My book club returns after our summer break on September 29th , I'm hosting, & this is the chosen book. Better start reading .........❤️

rockpools Well that's certainly a starting sentence! I like the look of this one... 7y
Cathythoughts Only a bit into it @RachelO and there is some amazing & heart breakingly honost writing going on. 7y
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The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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#friYaYintro @jess.how

1. My new fave book series will be Jo Nesbo & Harry Hole. Having just finished The Snowman I can safely say I have begun my new fave series
2. Ketchup
3. Mice ( I cringe even writing the word)
4. 2 sister / 2 brothers
5. I will do 👍❤️❤️

rockpools Beautiful photo! 7y
Cathythoughts Thankyou. That's a tiny island , Heir island, I was there this summer. Beautiful wild flowers 🌺 7y
Texreader I don't share your phobia but I sure understand it. I probably will not write mine down. Ugh!! 7y
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Cathythoughts @Texreader I know ! Writing it down makes it even more real 😳😳😳Ugh is right 7y
Cinfhen Eeeekkkk! Mice 🐭 7y
Cathythoughts @Cinfhen terrifying creatures ! !! 7y
andrew61 Great series, i read snowman first then went back to the beginning, redbreast was very good. Ill have to get back to where i last left off. 7y
Chachic Not a fan of ketchup either! I prefer mayo or mustard 7y
Cathythoughts @andrew61 yes, I'll have to head back now too, must investigate later. I'm looking forward to more adventures with Harry Hole 👍 (edited) 7y
Cathythoughts @Chachic love mayo too. 😋on almost everything!!! 7y
Chachic Same! I feel like I can put mayo on everything 😋😋 7y
howjessicareads I also have 2 sisters and 2 brothers! (I'm the eldest.) 7y
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The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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Feels like forever since I last finished a book. I enjoyed this wee Irish novella. Chapters told from the perspective of different villagers with some interesting revelations along the way.

The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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Can't go to bed without picking a new book.

Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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The Spinning Heart is the book I'll be sending. Would you like to participate? Leave a comment and I'll get in touch with my details.

Hornsby78 Me! 8y
LitHousewife @Hornsby78 Wonderful! Send me an email at literatehousewife@gmail.com and I'll send you more information. 8y
audiothing That's great @LitHousewife but I don't think anyone will be wanting to post to Tasmania. Though I did just post a paperback to the UK and the cost was surprisingly reasonable 8y
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audiothing @LitHousewife sent too soon! Just wanted to say that it is a really wonderful idea 8y
Bookworm54 Awesome idea! And @audiothing if it is only one book we send, then I'm sure people can stretch to posting to Tasmania! (I have never been so maybe I will post myself too! 😋) 8y
LitHousewife @audiothing Based on the way it works, it would be more of an issue of your friends having to mail a book to the US. Would you like me to send you the information and you can see what you think? 8y
audiothing @LitHousewife thanks, details would be good 8y
audiothing @bookworm54 pop yourself in a packing case and give it a go - but I would recommend air freight! 8y
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The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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#day24 "My father still lives back the road past the weir in the cottage I was reared in. I go there every day to see is he dead and every day he lets me down. He hadn't yet missed a day of letting me down. He smiles at me; that terrible smile. He knows I'm coming to check is he dead. He knows I know he knows." I've posted this quote before but couldn't resist posting it again #greatquote #openinglines #somethingforsept

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Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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This audiobook is one of my favorites of all time. Through the stories of 23 people in a small Irish town, Ryan wrote a novel that spoke to me deeply. All of the characters are narrated by Wayne Farrell and he was amazing. Relatively new to the craft, he made them each unique. It is just over 4 hours long and so darn good. It is more than deserving of my #Recommensday vote.

Girl_Power Loved this book!!!! 8y
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The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan

My father still lives back the road past the weir in the cottage I was reared in. I go there everyday to see is he dead & everyday he lets me down. He hasn't missed a day of letting me down. He smiles at me; that terrible smile. He knows I'm coming to check is he dead. He knows I know he knows.

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