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The Quiet Tenant | Clemence Michallon
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Well, this was creepy! Haven‘t been as focused on reading, but if I could have, I would‘ve flown through it. Shades of Notes on an Execution (though nowhere near as good as that one), we hear from three women affected by an “Everyman” sort of guy who is actually a serial killer. Good stuff. #readyourkindle

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Without further ado, I present the #readyourkindle numbers! Happy reading, friends! Don‘t forget to tag me in your posts, let me know if you want to be added/removed from my tag list, and have FUN! #readyourebooks #readyournook

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TheSpineView Cool 😎 4d
dabbe 🖤🧡🖤 4d
PuddleJumper Thanks! 4d
Deblovestoread Yay! 🖤🧡🖤 4d
Read4life Yay! 🎃👻🐈‍⬛ 4d
CoffeeK8 Yay! 💕 3d
MelAnn Ok question to be clear - the numbers correspond with the number in your kindle unread list of books? And please add me to your tag list! Finally done writing my book and back to reading again! 3d
MelAnn @InkedBookworm13 thank you! 3d
InkedBookworm13 @MelAnn No problem 😊 3d
BarkingMadRead Ohhhhh will you be doing this next year as well? I need this challenge in my life 🤣 3d
CBee @MelAnn yep, that‘s right! Glad to have you join us and congrats on finishing your book 👏🏻👏🏻 3d
CBee @BarkingMadRead I hope so!! I already have another Litten who wants to join in January 2025, do you want me to make a note to add you then? 😊 3d
BarkingMadRead Yes please!! 3d
CBee @BarkingMadRead you got it 😊♥️ 3d
Balibee146 👍👍👍 3d
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Jesus Christ on toast, faces in clouds, the list goes on and on! And of course, thanks to Bones (still binging and loving), I now know there is a word for this phenomenon 🤓 #weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords

Deblovestoread Ooooh I love this word! 4d
Daisey I discovered this word recently as well, and I love it! 4d
Amiable Ha ha, I read your comment and thought “Jesus Christ on toast” was maybe one of those phrases that Southern folks use instead of swearing. 😄 4d
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TheSpineView Cool word 😎 4d
CBee @Amiable it very well could be and I might just start using it now 😂😂 I tend to make up my own anyway 🤓 4d
CatLass007 Great word! 4d
Cuilin @Amiable I thought that too because in Ireland, we say Christ on a bike!!!! 😆 4d
BookmarkTavern Like finding shapes in clouds! How cool! 4d
TheBookHippie Oh!!! Also my BFF is from Ireland and says Christ on a bike often so I read it as that 🤣😂😅🤪 @Cuilin 4d
Amiable @Cuilin That‘s so funny because my grandfather used to say “Jesus Christ on a bicycle” and his parents were from Ireland!! I had no idea it was an Irish thing! 😄 4d
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 4d
CBee @BookmarkTavern yes! 😊 4d
CBee @TheBookHippie @Cuilin @Amiable it‘s related to the pareidolia of Jesus‘s face on a piece of toast. On the show (Bones) it was WAY grosser 🫢 😬 I did just read “Jesus toast” when I looked for the example and now I‘m 😂😂 (edited) 4d
TheBookHippie @CBee 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 4d
Amiable @CBee @cuilin This reminds me of the time one morning years ago when I came downstairs to find a baggie on the kitchen counter with a peanut inside and a note from my youngest son that said, “Do not eat this. It looks like Elvis.” 😄 (edited) 4d
CBee @Amiable omg 😂😂😂😂 That‘s amazing - sounds like something my 12 year old would do! 4d
Cuilin @Amiable hilarious 🤣 4d
Amiable @CBee @Cuilin Yeah, we still joke about the Elvis nut. 😄 And it kickstarted the conversation—why is it that we only ever see Jesus or Elvis or Mary Magdalene in toast or on trees? Why doesn‘t anyone see … I don‘t know, Fonzie? Or Alex Trebek? It‘s weird. 😀 (edited) 3d
CBee @Amiable I love that it started that conversation. Equality in pareidolia 😂😂 3d
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I read some amazing books in September, but this one wins! #readingbracket2024 @CSeydel

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Tarot Card Killer | Greg Strandberg
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Gooooood morning, friends! Presenting the #TBRtarot card for October - an easy peasy one! Have fun and happy reading! 🍂 🎃 🍁

CatLass007 Great idea. Except I use audiobooks. Any suggestion for a max time? 6d
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CBee @CatLass007 oh goodness, I‘m not sure. I researched it a little and looks like it can vary. Maybe 6-8 hours? 6d
CatLass007 Oh. I‘ve got plenty of those. Thank you. 6d
AmyG Awesome! I‘m going to read this one, perfect for spooky season. 6d
youneverarrived Ohh the book I‘m reading at the minute is under 200 pages so I‘ll use that 😉 6d
OriginalCyn620 I actually might have to hunt my physical books and kindle for one! 6d
Meshell1313 Ooh that is a good one! 5d
Read4life Yay. Several choices. 🤔 5d
julieclair @CatLass007 I listen to a lot of audiobooks too, and when I need a page count, I look the book up on StoryGraph. It usually tells the number of pages. 🙂 5d
julieclair I‘ll be reading 5d
Meshell1313 Ok I choose this new release! Perfect timing! 5d
CBee @CatLass007 great! Glad you found one 😊 5d
CBee @AmyG I sort of want to read that, but King freaks me out 😂😂 5d
CBee @youneverarrived great timing 😊 5d
CBee @julieclair awesome 🤩 5d
CatLass007 @julieclair Thanks! I‘ve never used StoryGraph before. I‘m not sure if I want to start using another new app. 5d
CatLass007 @julieclair @CBee And it‘s free on Audible. I‘ve listened to a couple of other series by this author and I like her quirky sense of humor. She also does great things showing friendship and found family in so many ways. I‘m particularly fond of the Four Drag Queens of the Apocalypse in her Good to the Last Death series. 5d
CBee @CatLass007 love that title - anything with drag queens is awesome 👏🏻👏🏻 5d
julieclair @CatLass007 Free on Audible is always a plus! 😀 5d
Ruthiella Nancy Drew to the rescue ! 😆 This month‘s #NancyDrewBR is 5d
CBee @Ruthiella she does always come to the rescue 😊😂 4d
OriginalCyn620 I decided to read, rather listen, to this one because I do own the audiobook, and it‘s been several years since I read the print version. It‘s about 130 pages in print, plus, it fits in nicely with this month‘s spooky reads! 4d
CBee @OriginalCyn620 good choice 👏🏻👏🏻 4d
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Untitled | Unknown
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It‘s almost October, y‘all (WHAAAT)! This is your reminder to post your #readyourkindle lists (if you‘ve already done so, thank you 😘). If you want to be added or removed from my tag list, let me know! Keep it casual, have fun, and happy reading 📖 ♥️ #readyournook #readyourebooks

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TheBookHippie 🫣😵‍💫😅 1w
CBee @TheBookHippie lol why the faces? 😂😂 1w
TheBookHippie @CBee I‘m not ready for October!!! Gotta get my tuchas in gear 😂 1w
CBee @TheBookHippie my tuchas are never in gear 😂😂😂 1w
CoffeeK8 Thanks for the reminder!! 1w
jackilynn I was just thinking about this the other day 🤔 1w
OutsmartYourShelf I don\'t seem to be tagged, can you please add me? 7d
CBee @OutsmartYourShelf you‘re up there in the comment that starts with Inkedbookworm! 7d
OutsmartYourShelf Hmm strange it‘s not tagging me then. What with that & the new thing of putting / as well as an apostrophe in my posts. Not sure what‘s going on with Litsy atm. Thanks anyway. 7d
CBee @OutsmartYourShelf do you have an android? I‘ve had two folks mention issues to me about Litsy acting up and it seems to be an Android thing 🤷‍♀️ 6d
monkeygirlsmama It seems like eons since I was active with this. 🤦‍♀️ 6d
CBee @monkeygirlsmama it‘s okay! Do you want me to keep tagging you? 6d
monkeygirlsmama @CBee Either way! I like seeing what everyone else is up to. :) 3d
CBee @monkeygirlsmama you shall stay on the list then 🥰 3d
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All of the props and stars and points times a million for this one! I might have enjoyed this more than the first, which is pretty tough to beat. Hoping wishing praying there will be a third! #readyourkindle #aam #authoramonth @Soubhiville @GingerAntics

Aims42 I hope there‘s a third too! I‘m not ready to say goodbye to these amazing characters yet 😭 1w
CBee @Aims42 same, total book hangover over here 🥹🥹 1w
GingerAntics Same! I seriously want to visit Marsyas Island again! 1w
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CBee @GingerAntics let‘s go live there! Like immediately. 😍😍😍 1w
GingerAntics @CBee I‘m packed and ready to go. I am so over all the crazy. I need a beach vacation that never ends. Let‘s go! 1w
CBee @GingerAntics same!! Let‘s do it ♥️♥️ 1w
GingerAntics @CBee I bet Marsyas has one hell of a bookstore, too! 1w
CBee @GingerAntics hell yes! 7d
GingerAntics @CBee I have got to check out the record store, too! It would be so awesome! I want to get chased by a yeti, and high five the anti-Christ! 7d
CBee @GingerAntics and help Talia in her garden, and give all the buttons to Theodore ♥️♥️ 6d
GingerAntics @CBee OHMYGOD WE HAVE TO STOP AT A FEW CRAFT STORES!!! I want to bring Theodore the biggest collection of buttons I can find! 🧡🧡🧡 6d
CBee @GingerAntics *sigh* I swear, no book I‘ve started since I finished this is capturing my attention. It was just that good ♥️♥️ 6d
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CatLass007 I‘m sure I‘ve read this word before but I‘m not sure when or where. It‘s another cool word and definition. Thanks for sharing these every week.❤️ 2w
TheSpineView Another great word!! 2w
IndoorDame One of my all time favorite words 💜 2w
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CBee @CatLass007 you‘re welcome! I‘ve come across some really cool ones lately 😊 2w
CBee @IndoorDame yay! It‘s a fantastic word 😊 2w
slategreyskies @CatLass007 the first time I came across this word was in A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. Ashmole 782 was a palimpsest. So, if you‘ve read that book, that could be where you‘re remembering this word from. 2w
CatLass007 @slategreyskies I haven‘t read it yet, although I do own it. I may never remember exactly where I first read the word, but it‘s not really a big deal. I have a tendency, especially listening to audiobooks, when I encounter a new word to just infer the definition from the manner in which the word is used rather than take the time to look up the actual definition. I‘m so glad @CBee does the work for me, although I am getting better at it. 2w
BookmarkTavern Oh this is one of my favorite words! 💕💕💕💕 2w
peanutnine I love this word! It always gives me a feeling of nostalgia 💖 2w
dabbe Oh, no! I\'m off the list! Can I jump back on? 😅 2w
CBee @dabbe I‘m just having a chance to check Litsy and realized I forgot to tag you - that was just a total goof on my part! Sorry!! 2w
CBee @CatLass007 ♥️♥️♥️ 2w
dabbe @CBee No worries; I just wanted to make sure I was still in the loop! 🧡🍁🧡 2w
CBee @dabbe you‘re definitely still in the loop! ♥️ 2w
mandarchy Speaking of being in the loop, but off topic: I stopped getting notifications from Litsy and I've tried everything except deleting it and reinstalling it. Getting it on this phone was such a chore, I'm not sure I'm willing to go that far. But have any of you seen a convo about this anywhere? 1w
CBee @mandarchy do you have an Android or iPhone? A friend who has an Android has had issues similar to yours. I‘d suggest submitting a help ticket as I know you aren‘t the only one! 1w
mandarchy Android. Thanks! I've been ignoring it and maybe a help ticket will be the thing. 1w
CBee @mandarchy hopefully they can figure it out! 1w
mandarchy @CBee I just opened Litsy and I had 204 notifications! None of them made my phone ding. I've never seen so many! It's weird 6d
CBee @mandarchy that‘s crazy!! Did you send a help request? 6d
mandarchy I did, I got the 204 notifications and then nothing else. I just need to check in more often. 2d
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Possibly a favorite of the year ♥️ I‘ve always loved Griffin Dunne (I even liked Who‘s That Girl 😂), and love him even more after listening to this. Highly recommend on audio!

AmyG Ok…bumping up. 2w
CBee @AmyG oh yay! I really loved it ♥️♥️ 2w
BkClubCare I thought that was Joan Didion! 2w
CBee @BkClubCare in the picture? It is! She was married to John Dunne, Griffin‘s uncle. 2w
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@GingerAntics I‘m FINALLY starting 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

GingerAntics Oh my god! Get on it, girl! 3w
CBee @GingerAntics I‘m halfway through. IN LOOOVE 😍😍😍😍 2w
GingerAntics @CBee RIGHT? 🧡🧡🧡 2w
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The Great Believers | Rebecca Makkai
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Finally read this, and I‘m overwhelmed. Sadness and anger for what they went through, for the death, for the politicians who did nothing, for the hate. So many good quotes but I‘ll share just one here:
“It‘s always a matter, isn‘t it, of waiting for the world to come unraveled? When things hold together, it‘s always only temporary.” #TBRtarot #readyourkindle

AvidReader25 This one has been on my TBR for too long! 3w
ChaoticMissAdventures I need a reread of this I remember the feeling of just devastation. She did an amazing job pulling all of the heartstrings 😍 3w
Suet624 Honestly, it‘s a must read. 3w
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Deblovestoread @Suet624 Agree 100% 3w
CBee @AvidReader25 same! I‘m so glad I finally read it ♥️ 3w
CBee @ChaoticMissAdventures I was just sobbing at the end 💔 3w
CBee @Suet624 @Deblovestoread it absolutely is! 3w
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Color me amazed, again, that there seems to be a word for EVERYTHING! And if you love clouds (and finding shapes in them), there is an awesome account on IG called (@) thedailycloud ☁️⛅️🌧️ #weirdwords #weirdwordwednesday

IndoorDame My favorite childhood activity!!!! 😃 Bet if I‘d known this super fancy word for it all the grown ups who told me to stop daydreaming and go do something useful would‘ve thought twice 😂 3w
TheSpineView Thanks for the tag! 💛 🏷🥰 3w
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CBee @IndoorDame I know right? You would‘ve impressed those folks for sure 😂 3w
CatLass007 Awesome! 3w
Amiable Wow! That‘s an amazing word! 3w
dabbe It sounds like a disease that I would LOVE to have! Matt and I just did this the other evening! 🤩 3w
AnnCrystal 💕🌬️💨☁️💝. 3w
CBee @dabbe it does! And nobody would know what you meant 😂😂 3w
BookmarkTavern What a fantastic word! 💕 3w
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This was a fantastic read. I wouldn‘t call it a thriller - it‘s more of a mystery and it ticked all the boxes for this “dysfunctional family fiction” fan (IYKYK) 😳🫢😂

Jen2 I can‘t wait to read this one! 3w
AmyG Ha! Yay! Loved this one. 3w
CBee @AmyG 👯‍♀️♥️😁 3w
CBee @Jen2 hope you like it! 3w
Leftcoastzen I loved it too! 3w
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Okay #weirdwords nerds, this is interesting! I‘ve been saying a few of these wrong - but the fact that some people say “from the gecko” makes me giggle 😂 Check it out: Bad News: You've Been Saying These 18 Words And Phrases Wrong For Your Entire Life https://www.buzzfeed.com/andrewziegler/malapropism-eggcorn-words-phrases

ChaoticMissAdventures I am now trying to figure out how and why people pronounce this word with an e &/o g... I keep saying acorn and I don't have any of that 😂 4w
IndoorDame Neat! I definitely say some of them wrong too. But hysterical that eggcorn is apparently the most common one and I‘ve never heard anyone say it 😂 (edited) 4w
TheBookHippie 😳😅😂 fun!!! 4w
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CBee @IndoorDame me either! Totally new to me. @ChaoticMissAdventures I don‘t hear it either, no idea where that came from 😂😂🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ 4w
BkClubCare @ChaoticMissAdventures - me, too. I don‘t think I‘ve ever heard anyone say eggcorn. 🤔 4w
monkeygirlsmama I have NEVER heard of this term before. 🤣 And I've NEVER heard anyone pronounce A-CORN as EGG-CORN. 🤔😝 4w
TheSpineView That was fun! "Champ at the bit" tripped me up. 4w
thebacklistbook Hahaha! This often leads to popular misspellings being adopted into dictionaries. Like how chique was already adopted into english with its original French spelling then someone decided it needed to be spelled chic at some point. I've heard many people say the French spelling as sheekwa rather than sheek. 4w
thebacklistbook Also have seen some with dictaphone software taken down by this. The algorithm feeds it's best guess for what it "heard". 4w
CBee @monkeygirlsmama it‘s baffling 😂 4w
CBee @TheSpineView I always thought it was “jerry-rigged” but it‘s “jury-rigged!” 4w
CBee @thebacklistbook so interesting!! 4w
Deblovestoread Fun! I know it‘s “duct” but I still say “duck”. And I do always ask for ice tea. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 4w
CBee @Deblovestoread I do too 😂😂 Here in the south we don‘t even say iced tea, we just say sweet or unsweetened because iced tea is just a given 😂 4w
BookmarkTavern That‘s so cool! I didn‘t know that! 4w
dabbe @CBee Same here! I'm in 😱! 3w
thebacklistbook @Deblovestoread there is a brand of duct tape called Duck tape they also make painters tape, etc. 3w
TheBookHippie @CBee I always remembered it as most jury‘s are rigged so 🤪😅😱🥴😂 3w
TheBookHippie @Deblovestoread I say ice and duck too 😂😂😂 3w
Daisey That was a fun and interesting quiz. Thanks for sharing! 3w
CBee @TheBookHippie I see it now 😂 But I could‘ve sworn it was “jerry” 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Aaaand I‘ve always said “for all intensive purposes” and that‘s wrong! 3w
CBee @Daisey you‘re welcome! 3w
mandarchy It's more complicated than you think. If you like words you might like this YouTuber. He does a whole episode about eggcorns. https://youtu.be/Sucad437VDA?si=X-B31qnBkVaZtIr5 3w
CBee @mandarchy cool, thank you! 3w
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These words have absolutely nothing in common except, they‘re weird 😂 Plus, apparently “emunction” is now obsolete (despite describing my behavior today due to allergies 🤧). Posting two completely unrelated weird words is indicative of my mindset - allll over the place today 😂😂🤪🤪 #weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords

CBee @TheBookHippie I can‘t find Scott (vivastory) again 🤷‍♀️ I emailed him! Have you heard anything? 4w
IndoorDame I only recently noticed something described as an uncountable noun for the first time, and I guess it‘s self explanatory, but since I have no formal background in grammar I found reading about it and all the rules and exceptions attached to it fascinating! 4w
TheSpineView Interesting word! Loving these weird words 4w
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Megabooks Love these weird words!! 4w
Megabooks @CBee Scott still has an insta but has deleted all the posts. I hope he is okay. Have you heard from him @Reggie ? I just want to know it‘s a break from sm and nothing worse. 4w
BookmarkTavern I just said emunction out loud and I love it. 4w
peanutnine These are both SO FUN to say! I wanna start using emunction to bring it back! 4w
CBee @Megabooks me too! If anybody hears anything let me know 😟 4w
CBee @BookmarkTavern I think we should bring it back 😂 @peanutnine 4w
Amiable These words are awesome! 4w
50 likes10 comments
Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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I‘m so drawn to books set in remote locations, where the setting almost ends up being its own character. This was no exception! What a beautifully written book. Quiet, but gripping at times, a little mystery thrown in, but mainly asks the question: how do you keep going when your entire family is ripped away? “You didn‘t do anything wrong, Tommy. You only survived.” I loved this.

BarbaraBB I loved this so much! 1mo
CBee @BarbaraBB have you read any of her other books? She‘s a brilliant writer ♥️ 1mo
BarbaraBB I wanted to read more by her after this one and I recently did. I read and loved 1mo
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sarahbarnes This was so good. ♥️ 1mo
CBee @BarbaraBB that one is on my list! 1mo
BarbaraBB I also have this one on my list, which is supposed to be very good as well 1mo
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Like some of y‘all have mentioned, this was even better the second time around ♥️♥️ Thanks for joining me, whether it was your first or second (or fifth 😂) time reading it! On to the next, and I cannot WAIT 😊😊

GingerAntics Friday, I was absolutely convinced it was Monday, so I kept thinking “tomorrow! One more sleep!” But no. 1mo
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CBee @GingerAntics I knowwwww 😩😩 Almost!!! 1mo
GingerAntics @CBee at least it‘s Sunday now! 2 more days! 1mo
CBee @GingerAntics almost Monday!!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 1mo
GingerAntics @CBee ONE MORE DAY!!! My preorders on Apple Books tend to become available late the day before… so fingers crossed that happens again with this one! 1mo
CBee @GingerAntics 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 4w
GingerAntics @CBee for some reason, my Amazon preorder won‘t be here until Wednesday. 4w
CBee @GingerAntics really? That stinks 😩 I preordered the Kindle version so it should download tomorrow 🤞🏻🤞🏻 4w
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Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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August favorite! But James beat it ♥️ Plus I had to add Clare Pooley‘s book as a bonus, it was just amazing and hilarious ♥️♥️ #readingbracket2024 @CSeydel

CSeydel Looking good! 1mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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It‘s #readyourkindle numbers day!! Have fun, friends! Don‘t forget to tag me in your posts, remember this is low key, and let me know if you want to be added to/removed from my tag list. Yay! #readyournook #readyourebooks

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TheSpineView Great! Hope to do better in September! Thanks for hosting 👍🌞📖 1mo
CBee @TheSpineView you‘re welcome ☺️ 1mo
KateReadsYA Hey! 👋 I was wondering how this works?!?! I haven't read on my Kindle in like a month and would like to pick it back up again. 1mo
Allylu Yay! I have 4 good ones - hope to read at least 3. The 4th one is Haunted Halloween by Jen Booker and I may save that for October. 😊📚💕 1mo
CBee @KateReadsYA hey! Would love for you to join 🥰 You make a list of 20 Kindle books (or whatever e-reader you use, doesn‘t only have to be Kindle), post those and tag me. I draw the numbers (just 4) on the 3rd of each month and you aim to read at least two of the drawn books! But any progress is progress, and reading books that weren‘t drawn counts too! Just a way to whittle down that Kindle TBR 🙌🏻 1mo
KateReadsYA @CBee Ahhhh, okay! I see. Can you tag me when the new year starts so I can participate then? 🩷 1mo
CBee @KateReadsYA sure! So in January? Or next month? 1mo
dabbe Thanks, m'dear! 🧡🩶🧡 1mo
KateReadsYA @CBee Yes, January :) 1mo
CBee @KateReadsYA making a note now!! 1mo
KateReadsYA @CBee thank you 1mo
Read4life Yay! Ready to clear some more space 🤓 1mo
guinsgirlreads I‘d like to be added to this tag list, please! I need to read on mine more! (edited) 1mo
CBee @guinsgirlreads absolutely! Happy to have you 😊 1mo
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Tarot Card Killer | Greg Strandberg
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Presenting the #TBRtarot prompt for September (yes, it‘s September already OMG). Have fun, friends! Let me know if you want to be added to or removed from my tag list 😊

Ruthiella I actually have a book that will work! 🤞 1mo
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julieclair What a fun prompt! I‘ll have to scour my shelves. 1mo
Allylu I just happen to be doing a Decades Challenge and the September decade is the 1980's!!! Lucky me. I'm also using it for my Adventure is Out There Library challenge for the “immigrant story“ prompt. Yay! 1mo
Read4life Will have to see what I‘m going to read. Thanks for the prompt! 1mo
CatLass007 This may take some searching through my library. 1mo
OriginalCyn620 Fun! I‘ll have to see if I already own a book that fits, but if not, I‘ll go hunting for one. 🤣 1mo
CBee @Allylu yay! 1mo
Meshell1313 Ooh fun! Will have to start hunting for that one! 1mo
OriginalCyn620 It turns out I do have a book that will work! 1mo
CBee @OriginalCyn620 great!! 😊 1mo
Meshell1313 Ok I got it! I‘m going to read 1mo
CatLass007 Yay! I figured it out. 1mo
MatchlessMarie A good time to finish this one that I started but misplaced and recently found 😆 1mo
CBee @Meshell1313 I loved that one!!! 1mo
CBee @CatLass007 yay! 1mo
CBee @MatchlessMarie yay for finding it again! 1mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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My #readyourkindle list for September. Here‘s your reminder if you haven‘t posted your list yet! Remember, low key, have fun 😊 #readyournook #readyourebooks

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PageShifter You have there some same books that I have in my TBR 😀 How #readyourkindle works? 🤔 1mo
TheSpineView Some great books on your list! Enjoy! 1mo
AmyG I will be passing this month. SO much to read and I am so very busy. I‘s rather get in my TBR Tarot book. Thanks @CBee. 1mo
CBee @PageShifter it‘s a low key challenge I started a few months ago. A bit like #bookspin where you make a list of 20 books (ebooks), and I draw four numbers on the 3rd of each month. The goal is to read at least one of those, but really the main goal is to whittle down the Kindle TBR 😊 Let me know if you‘d like to join! 1mo
CBee @AmyG I‘m about to post the #TBRtarot prompt - had a bunch of posts to make today! 1mo
AmyG Oh Yay! Maybe I will find an ebook that fits the prompt. I have a million of those, too. I hoard ALL the books. 🤣 1mo
CBee @AmyG you‘re not alone, friend 🥰🥰 1mo
PageShifter I might try this! I just have to do the list 😎 1mo
CBee @PageShifter would love to have you 😍 Make sure to tag me when you post your list! 1mo
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Just a quick check in! I‘m loving this list as much as the first time ♥️ Anyone else have “Beyond the Sea” running through your head? Well, if not, you do now 😂 Links to songs in comments 🌊 🌊🌊 #readtheceruleansea

CBee Also including The Everly Brothers song, because it‘s lovely 🥰 1mo
See All 11 Comments
dabbe This is my first read, and I am loving it!!! Thanks for the music, too! 🌊🌊🌊 1mo
CBee @dabbe I‘m so glad you‘re loving it 🥰🥰 1mo
GingerAntics I do love some good music to go with my books! 1mo
GingerAntics I‘ve been humming somewhere beyond the sea since I saw the title of the new book. 1mo
lil1inblue Ooh! I haven't started my re-read yet, but I'll definitely be reading to music now! I'm very much looking forward to abundant reading over the long weekend. 💙 1mo
CBee @GingerAntics me too!! 1mo
CBee @lil1inblue sounds awesome 😊😊 1mo
GingerAntics @lil1inblue I keep forgetting this is a long weekend. 1mo
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Gahhh this was so good!!! I sailed through it. Misty, I understand how the time travel stuff was confusing, I felt the same sometimes! But wow, what a book ♥️♥️♥️ @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks #readyourkindle

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I love Gaelic. And I‘d love to be part of a cèilidh - just the music would be worth it ♥️♥️ #weirdwords #weirdwordswednesday

IndoorDame Gaelic is always so lyrical, I love it 💜 1mo
Kitta We go to the St Andrew‘s day Ceilidh every year in Toronto! It‘s so fun. 1mo
CBee @Kitta sounds amazing 🤩 1mo
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TheSpineView Sounds like fun! 🤩👍🌞 1mo
Deblovestoread Love this! 1mo
Amiable I love Gaelic words! Even though I can never remember how to spell them. 😄 1mo
PathfinderNicole My son‘s strings school did a ceilidh fundraiser this last spring! 1mo
dabbe 🩶🧡🩶 1mo
CatLass007 Celtic Woman performs a song about a ceilidh. Love this word! 1mo
CBee @PathfinderNicole that‘s so cool! 1mo
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Entry Island | Peter May
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My first Peter May, but it won‘t be my last! This was excellent and I highly recommend. Realized after I finished that it fits for #TBRtarot as well - based on true events (at least partly), as much of it is set during the Highland Clearances in the 19th century (a horrible part of history that I didn‘t know much about). Great murder mystery but so much more.

Bear: A Novel | Julia Phillips
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Fantastic read. I loved it! Thanks @squirrelbrain @Megabooks and @BarbaraBB for another fun camp! I read 3 out of 6 and they were all great. #camplitsy24

Megabooks So glad you joined us and enjoyed it! Already looking forward to next summer! 1mo
squirrelbrain I‘m intrigued and can‘t remember - did you read one from each month? I wonder if your favourite will be in the final voting? 1mo
BarbaraBB Thanks for participating! I love your thoughts in our discussions ❤️ 1mo
CBee @squirrelbrain I read James, Clear, and Bear 😊 1mo
CBee @BarbaraBB thank you ♥️ 1mo
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I always thought this word was super cool and fun to say 😄 #weirdwords #weirdwordwednesday

JessClark78 One of my favorite words 🖤 2mo
Amiable This is a good one! 2mo
CatLass007 It IS super cool and fun to say! 2mo
See All 8 Comments
TheSpineView I'm loving this word! 😍 2mo
dabbe EA Poe used variations of this word a lot. Love it, too! 🩶🖤🩶 2mo
CBee @dabbe I love Poe! 2mo
dabbe @CBee He and Conan Doyle are my all-time faves. 🤩 2mo
BookmarkTavern Love it! 🥰 2mo
59 likes8 comments
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Okay guys! Here‘s my plan: start reading this around Monday, 8/26, aim to finish around 9/10 (when the sequel drops). I‘ll do occasional check ins - this isn‘t really a “challenge,” just a low key reread (or first read). Sound good? #readtheceruleansea

Prairiegirl_reading This is perfect for me! Thanks!! 2mo
Deblovestoread Perfect! 2mo
See All 23 Comments
lil1inblue 👌🏻 Excellent 2mo
jackilynn Sounds good to me. 2mo
kspenmoll I am in! 2mo
dabbe I'll do my best! 🤩 2mo
GingerAntics Sounds good to me! 2mo
CBee @dabbe no pressure 😘 2mo
CoffeeK8 Sounds good to me! 2mo
Read4life Can you add me please? 2mo
CBee @Read4life of course! Happy to have you ♥️ 2mo
readmyeyes Sounds good! Thank you for coordinating this 😄 2mo
CBee @readmyeyes sure thing 😊 2mo
lil1inblue Happy reading, y'all! 🥰🥰🥰 1mo
Read4life 🤓🤓🤓 1mo
Deblovestoread This is perfect! Not loving what I‘m reading right now so this will be lovely. 1mo
dabbe Yahoo! 🤩😍😀 1mo
CBee @Deblovestoread nice to be back in that world again ♥️ 1mo
GingerAntics I almost forgot about this! 1mo
CBee @GingerAntics no pressure! 😊 1mo
GingerAntics @CBee it almost feels like coming home! I seriously want to live on Marsyas Island. 1mo
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Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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Well, I might just be speechless. I feel so seen, so cherished, so important. It‘s almost as if she jumped right into my brain and pulled out parts of the main character. I predict a days long book hangover ♥️♥️♥️♥️

Flaneurette Same! 2mo
CBee @Flaneurette it‘s rare to find this stage of life described so honestly. It was so refreshing. 2mo
robinb Great review! Stacked! 2mo
CBee @robinb hope you like it! 2mo
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Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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“Here's the thing about menopause, though, that I don't entirely understand. We'll exchange a few words like this? A seemingly slight disagreement? Only then rage fizzes up inside my rib cage. It burns and unspools, as berserk and sulfuric as those black-snake fireworks from childhood: one tiny pellet, with seemingly infinite potential to create dark matter-dark matter that's kind of like a magic serpent and kind of like a giant ash turd.”

CBee Catherine Newman KNOWS 😂😂🤪🤪 2mo
squirrelbrain Much more relatable than All Fours! 🤪 2mo
CBee @squirrelbrain omg 😂😂😂😳😳😳 you can say that again. I bailed on AF, I think if you feel icky and gross every time you pick up a book, it probably means you should stop reading it 😑😂 2mo
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Anyone interested in a buddy reread (or plain old buddy read if you‘ve not read it before) of this one before the sequel comes out? It drops on September 10.

CBee And anyone else interested! Please share 😊 2mo
See All 18 Comments
jackilynn I loved this book!! 2mo
dabbe I have it, and it's on my TBR. Time to get 'er done! 🤩😂🤗 2mo
lil1inblue Yes, please! I was so excited when I saw that the sequel was coming! 😍 2mo
Deblovestoread Would love to reread with you! 2mo
kspenmoll I would be interested- have it but not read it. 2mo
readmyeyes I‘m interested! I have not read it but it‘s on my tbr. 2mo
AmyG I have read this so I will pass. But thank you, my friend, for tagging me!!! I will definitely read the new one. 2mo
CBee @AmyG I‘ve read it too, just thought it would be fun to do a reread before the new one comes out 😊 Thanks for responding! ♥️ 2mo
AmyG I just have so many challenges. And…it‘s football season so we go to quite a few U of Michigan games. But keep me in mind if you do a buddy read of the new book. 2mo
CBee @AmyG oh friend, I understand ♥️♥️ 2mo
CoffeeK8 I would totally be interested! 2mo
Roary47 Aww man wish I could. I‘m struggling with my work, life, reading balance right now. 2mo
GingerAntics I AM SO DOWN FOR THIS!!! 🧡🧡🧡 2mo
GingerAntics @Roary47 girl, been there! 2mo
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I am SO late to this party, but I‘ve gotten a bit hooked on the show Bones 🦴 😊 I had to share these two words because there was this whole argument between Bones and Booth about them - especially “eschew” (which I‘ve always considered an interesting word anyway) 😂😂 #weirdwords #weirdwordwednesday

TheSpineView 😎👍🤩 2mo
CatLass007 Bones is my “comfort food” TV. 2mo
CatLass007 Great words! 2mo
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dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
BookmarkTavern Love that show! And such fun words! 2mo
Amiable I‘ve often wondered about “eschew,” too. Such a strange word! 2mo
lil1inblue Now I want to rewatch Bones! 😂 2mo
CBee @CatLass007 it‘s so good! 2mo
CBee @Amiable it seems like a strange variation of the word “chew” and I can‘t help imaging chewing when I hear it or read it 😂😂 2mo
CBee @BookmarkTavern I‘m addicted, it‘s so good! @lil1inblue you should rewatch for sure 👏🏻👏🏻 2mo
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This was JUST what I needed! I NEED this cast of characters in my life. Loved the author‘s note at the end ♥️ Must read other books by Clare Pooley at some point 👏🏻👏🏻

Soubhiville Wasn‘t this fun? I really liked it. 2mo
Aims42 This was such a fun read!! So glad you loved it too 😍 2mo
CBee @Soubhiville so fun! 2mo
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CBee @Aims42 😍😍😍 2mo
janeycanuck Her others are wonderful, too! Iona is my favourite of her 3. 2mo
CBee @janeycanuck thank you for the rec! ♥️ 2mo
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Celine: A novel | Peter Heller
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Scott, this was such a great read - I bought it based on your rec and it didn‘t disappoint! Celine is absolutely my kind of character - I just adore her. I wish he‘d write another book about her search for her daughter ♥️ Peter Heller fans, which of his other books should I read? @vivastory

CBee His writing is gorgeous, especially in regards to nature and the outdoors. I could see the trees, the mountains, feel the clean air - *sigh* 2mo
inthegreensandblues I really enjoyed The River and The Guide, which share a MC. This one sounds great. Definitely more Peter Heller in my future. 2mo
CBee @inthegreensandblues the main character is quirky and damaged and just a delight despite it all. 2mo
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vivastory This post really means a lot to me! I loved this book & I'm so happy that this one worked for you as well 💙I have heard RAVE reviews for his book The Dog Stars! I'm loosely following the 52 book club challenge for the year & the only book I haven't selected is a buddy read. Would you be open for a buddy read of another Heller in Sep/October? 2mo
CBee @vivastory it was right up my alley! I don‘t know if I can read The Dog Stars - being such a big animal person, well, something happens and I don‘t usually handle that well (I hope I‘m making sense 😂). That being said, what about reading The River? 2mo
CBee These also look good: 2mo
vivastory I'm open for any of them! Both The river & The Painter sound especially good. Your choice 🙂 2mo
CBee @vivastory let‘s go with The River! Let me know when you want to get started 😊 2mo
vivastory The River sounds great! How does the first week of September sound? 2mo
CBee @vivastory perfect! My library has it so I‘ll get it closer to the end of August! 2mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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Hi folks! Here are the #readyourkindle numbers for August 😊 Let me know if you want to be removed from or added to my tag list, tag me in your posts (love to see those 👏🏻), and most importantly, have fun! #readyournook #readyourebooks

See All 16 Comments
TheSpineView I'm ready for August! 2mo
OutsmartYourShelf Did anyone else tagged not get a notification? This post isn't appearing on my activity list either which is odd. 2mo
Deblovestoread Thanks for the tag! Off to find out what I‘m reading this month. 2mo
CBee @OutsmartYourShelf I‘ve been having the worst time with tagging - no idea what‘s going on 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ 2mo
AmyG Yay! Thanks! 2mo
OutsmartYourShelf @CBee I‘ve noticed a real issue lately with not receiving notifications even though I‘m tagged in the post. There seems to be a real lag in updating my activity section too as it says 2 new but none show up even when refreshing the page. It‘s all very odd. 2mo
CBee @OutsmartYourShelf I‘ve also noticed Litsy seems to go offline for a bit in the evenings 🤷‍♀️ 2mo
Meshell1313 Perfect! 2mo
KLyn1 July was a break from my Kindle, and kind of reading in general. Hoping to get back at it this month - thx @CBee 😊 2mo
CBee @KLyn1 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 2mo
Leniverse @OutsmartYourShelf Yeah, I didn't get a tag notification either. I tend to either get none or get double 🤪 2mo
55 likes16 comments
The Alternatives: A Novel | Caoilinn Hughes
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Guys, I don‘t think I have the bandwidth to keep going with this right now. All of the geology and philosophy talk is flying right over my head and I‘m not feeling very invested 😢😢 I‘m also having a very difficult day/week/month so I‘m sure it‘s the whole “it‘s me, hi, I‘m the problem, it‘s me” 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ #camplitsy24

CBee @ChaoticMissAdventures I feel bad, you send this to me and it‘s just not jiving 😢😢 I hope I‘ll be able to pick it back up at some point but, if not, I will send it along to someone else who might like it more than I do! It seems like something I‘d love - I just don‘t think I‘m in the right headspace 🙁🙁 2mo
TheSpineView Sometimes you just have to bail, even if just for your mental health. #HailTheBail 2mo
CBee @TheSpineView thank you ♥️ It‘s stressing me out that I‘m not enjoying it which definitely means I should bail for now 🤦‍♀️ 2mo
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BarbaraBB Don‘t blame yourself. It is definitely a book you have to be in the mood for! 2mo
CBee @BarbaraBB thank you ♥️ 2mo
Bookwormjillk Agree with @BarbaraBB it‘s a mood book for sure. I hope things calm down for you. 2mo
BookmarkTavern Nothing wrong with putting down a book until you feel you‘re in a better place for it! Sending good vibes for you! 2mo
CBee @Bookwormjillk thank you ♥️ 2mo
CBee @BookmarkTavern thanks ♥️ 2mo
Megabooks Sending care to you!! That‘s the most important thing!! 💜💜💜 2mo
ChaoticMissAdventures So sorry you are having a tough go of it! Hang onto it, maybe later it will be interesting, and then you can look back at the discussion. I am someone who buys books and then can wait years to have time, energy , and feel like reading them. 2mo
sarahbarnes Hang in there. 🩵 2mo
AnnCrystal 🙏🫂💝. 2mo
Ruthiella I found this to be a difficult one too. Hope you feel better soon. ❤️ 2mo
squirrelbrain The first few chapters are the toughest (dare I say a bit boring! 🥱) but it does get better. I‘m sorry you‘re not feeling it though - see how you feel as you don‘t *have* to read it. Hope you feel better soon. 2mo
CBee @ChaoticMissAdventures that helps - thank you ♥️ 2mo
CBee @squirrelbrain I think I‘ll come back to it at some point, as I really do love family stories and it seems right up my alley - it‘s just a slog right now and I‘m all over the place 🤪😞 2mo
CBee @Megabooks thank you ♥️♥️♥️ 2mo
CBee @Ruthiella glad it isn‘t just me 😅 2mo
CBee @sarahbarnes @AnnCrystal thank you ♥️♥️♥️ 2mo
Deblovestoread Hope things are better soon! Take care 💜 2mo
CBee @Deblovestoread thank you 😊 2mo
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James: A Novel | Percival Everett
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Best of July was James 😊 #readingbracket2024 @CSeydel

vonnie862 I've heard great things about James! 2mo
CBee @vonnie862 oh it‘s SO good. Highly recommend it! 2mo
47 likes2 comments
Tarot Card Killer | Greg Strandberg
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It‘s August, my peeps! Presenting the #TBRtarot card for the month - enjoy, tag me, have fun, stay cool 😊💗😃 (this can be fiction, nonfiction, whatever fits)

CBee If I missed tagging you, or you want to be added to my tag list, let me know! (edited) 2mo
AmyG I will read Oath of Honor - Liz Cheney. It IS a true event. Thank you Miss @CBee 😘 (edited) 2mo
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CBee @AmyG that was fast! You‘re welcome friend ♥️ 2mo
Ruthiella Hmmm…do you think memoir works here? Or should it be fiction…. 2mo
CBee @Ruthiella YES! That absolutely works! 2mo
OriginalCyn620 Gonna read this one because it sounds really good! 2mo
CBee @OriginalCyn620 it does sound good! Hope you enjoy it 😊 2mo
youneverarrived I‘m going for 2mo
CatLass007 Wow. Too many choices in my TBR would fit for this. I‘ve narrowed it down to six possibilities.😅 2mo
willaful Hmmm, I have no idea but perhaps serendipity will come to my aid. :-) 2mo
Meshell1313 Ooh good one!! Ok this has been on my shelf for too long so I‘m excited to finally read this classic: 2mo
CBee @youneverarrived sounds great! 2mo
CBee @CatLass007 you could use my trusted spinner thingy to pick 😊😂 2mo
CBee @willaful 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 2mo
CBee @Meshell1313 I‘ve heard that‘s great! 2mo
CatLass007 Trusted spinner thingie? I found a few more books in my TBR that would apply. My choices were not supposed to increase. So, trusted spinner thingie sounds great. Actually, I have a library book that would fit the bill. That probably would be the best choice. I‘m still having fun binging last month‘s prompt choice, my collection of Patricia Briggs books. 2mo
CBee @CatLass007 it‘s a phone app, called Spin the Wheel. Alternatively you could write numbers on scraps of paper and draw from a cup 😊 2mo
CatLass007 I‘ll look up the app. Thanks! (edited) 2mo
CBee @CatLass007 😊😊 2mo
julieclair This month‘s #SundayBuddyRead is based on a real person, so I‘ll choose that. 🙂 2mo
CBee @julieclair great! 2mo
Allylu I'm choosing “A Girl Called Samson“ by Amy Harmon - it is based on a real girl who disguises herself as a soldier and enlists in the Continental Army in the battle for Independence. It is historical fiction, but I found the real person online. 2mo
CBee @Allylu sounds good! 2mo
ChelseaM6010 After much deliberation, I‘ve settled on reading Alive. Hoping it works for this prompt 🤞😂 2mo
CBee @ChelseaM6010 absolutely, that works!! 2mo
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I was going to try to demonstrate how to say this, but it looked funny. Google has the pronunciation 😁 Cool link: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/learn/glossary-terms/caesura #weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords

TheSpineView Cool word! 😎 2mo
BookmarkTavern Oh that‘s fun! 2mo
dabbe I loved teaching caesuras to my sophomore honors students when completing a British lit unit on the Anglo Saxons. They were all about caesuras! If interested, here's an Anglo-Saxon poem where the breaks are clearly visible:

See All 7 Comments
CBee @dabbe love it! Very visible 😊😊 2mo
CBee @BookmarkTavern I totally forgot to tag you 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ 2mo
BookmarkTavern LOL No worries! I saw it anyway! Next time! 💕 2mo
CBee @BookmarkTavern absolutely! 2mo
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Thank you, Francine - you and many other authors are part of why I‘m such a voracious reader today. RIP ♥️♥️

dabbe 🩶🖤🩶 2mo
Itchyfeetreader Oh what sad news 2mo
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RowReads1 Her books had a big impact on me as a kid as well. 2mo
lil1inblue 💔 💔 💔 I loved the Sweet Valley Saga books so much when I was young. I vividly remember buying and reading them. 2mo
LeeRHarry Formative books of my teenage years. 😢 2mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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(If you didn‘t get tagged, sorry, that took forever 😅)
Okay y‘all, August is almost here (wut 😳)! Feel free to post your lists if you haven‘t already. I‘m still not reading much more than 1-2 of the drawn books each month, but I AM reading Kindle books (mood reader, ahem 😂). #readyourkindle #readyournook #readyourebooks

CBee Tagging is 🙄🙄🙄🙄 2mo
CBee I have to tag everyone individually, y‘all 🤪🤪🤪 2mo
Allylu @CBee Look at all those Littens reading with us! 2mo
See All 25 Comments
CBee @Allylu I know! It‘s awesome 😄 2mo
CBee @Q84 here ya go! 2mo
vonnie862 I'm a mood reader as well! 2mo
Meshell1313 Woo! I have many to catch up on in Aug- didn‘t read any kindle picks in July. I‘m ready! 2mo
TheSpineView I made my list for August. Not to say I'll stick to it.😅 2mo
Larkken Mood reader! Yes. It‘s why I‘m glad you pick three so I can moodily select my favorite 😆 2mo
CBee @vonnie862 me: makes plans to read specific books, mood: NOPE 😂😂😂 2mo
CBee @TheSpineView same, girl, same 😂😂 (edited) 2mo
CBee @Larkken moodily selecting books should be a sport 😂😂 2mo
Deblovestoread Thanks for the tag! Appreciate you 💜 2mo
DieAReader 🙋🏻‍♀️Guilty! Progress is progress nonetheless though🤓📚 2mo
dabbe 🩶🖤🩶 2mo
AllDebooks Thanks for the tag. X 2mo
kelli7990 Hurricane Beryl hit me here in SE TX on July 8 the day before my birthday and I‘ve been in a funk since it happened. My reading slowed down a lot after that so I didn‘t read any Kindle books this month. I‘m still in a funk so I‘ll just keep the same list in August. 2mo
mcctrish One thing about being away on holidays, I read only from my kindle 👏🏻👏🏻but I‘m also too tired to read a lot 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2mo
CBee @Deblovestoread ♥️♥️♥️ 2mo
CBee @DieAReader exactly 😊 2mo
CBee @AllDebooks ♥️♥️♥️ 2mo
CBee @kelli7990 I‘m so sorry! I hope things improve for you soon ♥️ 2mo
CBee @mcctrish I understand that! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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When you know, you know 😂😂😂😂😂 One of my IRL bibliophile friends sent this to me as a birthday funny 😁

vivastory 😂 😂 😂 2mo
dabbe 😂😂😂 2mo
Amiable I came, I saw, I ate a popsicle. 😄 2mo
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zezeki 😂😂😂 2mo
PuddleJumper 🤣🤣 2mo
CBee @Amiable 😂😂😂 YES 2mo
52 likes6 comments
Thank You | Amelia Riedler
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You were worried it wouldn‘t get here on time, but it got here today ♥️ Thank you so much, Soubhi! This has been on my TBR for a long time and I can‘t wait to read it. Also, the card and bookmark are both so lovely! @Soubhiville

Soubhiville You‘re welcome! Happy birthday to you! 🙂 2mo
CBee @Soubhiville thank you again ♥️ 2mo
54 likes2 comments
What Happened to Nina? | Dervla McTiernan
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This was INTENSE, y‘all. Despite mostly knowing what happens right at the start, it still kept me guessing, and just….. gasping at the way people (especially on social media) treat each other. And the lengths people will go to, in order to protect their families. Just wow.

70 likes3 stack adds
Untitled | Untitled
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My score: 72 out of 100. How can I pick favorites - there are so many! Standouts are Visions of Johanna (Bob Dylan), Mama Tried (Merle Haggard), that whole album by Jeff Buckley (his voice gets me every time).
But then there‘s Rilo Kiley and Liz Phair and Coldplay! And you can‘t beat Prince 💜 #tlt @dabbe

Suet624 Do you remember Tim Buckley‘s music? Jeff‘s dad. 2mo
CBee @Suet624 I knew that was his dad but believe it or not, I‘ve never listened to any of his music - any recommendations? ♥️ 2mo
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dabbe 🖤 these choices! Thanks for playing and sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
Suet624 @CBee I love his entire Goodbye and Hello album. Have listened to it for years since it came out. 2mo
CBee @Suet624 I added it to Spotify ♥️ And gosh, I forgot how much Jeff and his dad look alike - it‘s uncanny. 2mo
Suet624 @CBee no kidding! Spooky! 2mo
39 likes7 comments
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One of my most favorite new to me words, from my most recent read (You Be Mother). Mostly used in the book to mean a nap (which sounds SO NICE right now). Enjoy! #weirdwordwednesday #weirdwords

IndoorDame So fun!!! 2mo
TheSpineView That's a cool word!😎 2mo
psalva Love this! 2mo
See All 8 Comments
CatLass007 Interesting. I wonder how the word originated? 2mo
TheBookHippie Oh fun. 💤 2mo
dabbe You put the zIzz in 💤. 🩵💙🩵 2mo
CBee @CatLass007 it‘s British or Australian or both. Was trying to get more info from the Oxford Dictionary but I have to subscribe 🤦‍♀️ 2mo
CatLass007 Well that stinks. Oh well. 2mo
52 likes8 comments
Murder Road | Simone St. James
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Crappy picture, great book!! Had to finish once we got into the last half. Simone does it again 👏🏻👏🏻 #sundaybuddyread @TheBookHippie

AmyG I enjoyed this one, too. 2mo
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You Be Mother | Meg Mason
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This was absolutely brilliant. Where are my dysfunctional family fiction fans? We‘ve got multiple funky families in this one and I LOVED it. @AmyG @Chelsea.Poole #readyourkindle
Side note: I bought two Nancy Mitford books whilst reading this, because she‘s mentioned often 😂♥️

BarbaraBB Great recommendation! Stacking! 3mo
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CBee @BarbaraBB I absolutely loved it. And this is her first novel! I liked Sorrow and Bliss but this just blew that out of the water IMO. 3mo
CBee @CarolynM I read so many Australian expressions in this book - I felt like I needed a tutor 😂😂 3mo
AmyG Ooooooo thank you, my friend. Just got the ebook. (edited) 3mo
CarolynM You can always ask. I'm sure all the Australian Littens would be happy to help😀 Apart from anything else, I'm always fascinated by the cultural differences. 3mo
CarolynM And the Nancy Mitfords are wonderful. Enjoy! 3mo
CBee @CarolynM some memorable ones are “zizz” and “wattle.” I looked them up 😊 Also “fossick” and “stoush.” 3mo
CBee @CarolynM oh, so good to hear! I can‘t wait to read them. One of the characters in this book named her daughter Sadie after Aunt Sadie 😊 3mo
CBee @AmyG I really hope you like it!! 3mo
BarbaraBB Such a recommendation! now I MUST find a cheap copy 😉 2mo
CBee @BarbaraBB I hope you love it! 2mo
Chelsea.Poole Ok, convinced! Stacked! 2mo
sarahbarnes Wow! I really liked Sorrow and Bliss. Now I want to read this! 2mo
CBee @sarahbarnes this one is very different from Sorrow - more lighthearted in parts, but still pretty heavy? Not sure that makes sense 😂 She writes her characters so well. I hope if you read it, that you love it! 2mo
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Butterflies | Nic Bishop
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SO MANY BUTTERFLIES 🦋♥️🦋♥️ Thank you, sweet Christine @TheBookHippie

TheBookHippie 💙🦋💙😘 3mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 😍 🦋 3mo
CBee @TheBookHippie @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks it was like a butterfly shower, more kept falling out of the note and envelope 😍😍😍 3mo
TheBookHippie @CBee 🦋💙🦋💙🦋 3mo
Read4life Blue butterflies are my favorite! 🦋💙🦋💙🦋 2mo
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Thank You | Amelia Riedler
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Please excuse my messy desk area 😳😂 - Misty, thank you, my friend! I‘d forgotten this was on my TBR so it was a lovely surprise ♥️♥️♥️ you‘re the sweetest 🥰 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yay!! I‘m happy it arrived ❤️❤️ 2mo
CBee @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I absolutely love the little bag! That little owl is adorable 🥰 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @CBee 🦉 😊🤗 2mo
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